Numerical estimates of the maximum sustainable pore pressure in anticline formations using the tenso

来源 :Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcm2005
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The advanced tensor based concept of pore pressure-stress coupling is used to provide pre-injection analytical estimates of the maximum sustainable pore pressure change, ΔPc, for fluid injection scenarios into generic anticline geometries. The heterogeneous stress distribution for different prevailing stress regimes in combination with the Young’s modulus(E) contrast between the injection layer and the cap rock and the interbedding friction coefficient, m, may result in large spatial and directional differences of ΔP c. A single value characterizing the cap rock as for horizontal layered injection scenarios is not obtained. It is observed that a higher Young’s modulus in the cap rock and/or a weak mechanical coupling between layers amplifies the maximum and minimum ΔPc values in the valley and limb,respectively. These differences in ΔPc imposed by E and m are further ampli fied by different stress regimes. The more compressional the stress regime is, the larger the differences between the maximum and minimum ΔPc values become. The results of this study show that, in general compressional stress regimes yield the largest magnitudes of ΔPc and extensional stress regimes provide the lowest values of ΔPc for anticline formations. Yet this conclusion has to be considered with care when folded anticline layers are characterized by flexural slip and the friction coefficient between layers is low, i.e.μ=0.1. For such cases of weak mechanical coupling, ΔPc magnitudes may range from 0 MPa to 27 MPa, indicating imminent risk of fault reactivation in the cap rock. The advanced tensor based concept of pore pressure-stress coupling is used to provide pre-injection analytical estimates of the maximum sustainable pore pressure change, ΔPc, for fluid injection scenarios into generic anticline geometries. The heterogeneous stress distribution for different prevailing stress regimes in combination with the Young’s modulus (E) contrast between the injection layer and the cap rock and the interbedding friction coefficient, m, may result in large spatial and directional differences of ΔP c. A single value characterizing the cap rock as for horizontal layered injection scenarios is not obtained. It is observed that a higher Young’s modulus in the cap rock and / or a weak mechanical coupling between layers amplifies the maximum and minimum ΔPc values ​​in the valley and limb, respectively. These differences in ΔPc imposed by E and m are further ampli fied by different stress regimes. The more compressional the stress regime is, the larger the differences betw een the maximum and minimum ΔPc values ​​become. The results of this study show that, in general compressional stress regimes yield the largest magnitudes of ΔPc and extensional stress regimes provide the highest values ​​of ΔPc for anticline formations. Yet this conclusion has to be considered as care when folded anticline layers are characterized by flexural slip and the friction coefficient between layers is low, ieμ = 0.1. For such cases of weak mechanical coupling, ΔPc magnitudes may range from 0 MPa to 27 MPa, indicating imminent risk of fault reactivation in the cap rock.
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摘 要:内部控制是否有效,直接关系到一个企业能否健康发展。目前,我国上市公司内部控制难以在企业运行中发挥有效作用。究其原因,主要包括内部控制环境薄弱、信息沟通体系不完善、监管不够等因素。本文通过分析影响上市公司内部控制有效性的各种因素,借鉴发达国家的经验,提出了一些适合我国上市公司完善内部控制的意见和建议。  关键词:内部控制;控制环境;风险管理;信息沟通  作者简介:唐复科(1963-),男,辽