Bifurcation behaviors of catalytic combustion in a micro-channel

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thinkthinkthink
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Bifurcation analysis of ignition and extinction of catalytic combustion in a short micro-channel is carried out with the laminar flow model incorporated as the flow model.The square of transverse Thiele modulus and the resi- dence time are used as bifurcation parameters.The influences of different parameters on ignition and extinction behavior are investigated.It is shown that all these parameters have great effects on the bifurcation behaviors of ignition and extinction in the short micro-channel.The effects of flow models on bifurcation behaviors of com- bustion are also analyzed.The results show that in comparison with the flat velocity profile model,for the case of the laminar flow model,the temperatures of ignition and extinction of combustion are higher and the unsteady multiple solution region is larger. Bifurcation analysis of ignition and extinction of catalytic combustion in a short micro-channel is carried out with the laminar flow model incorporated as the flow model. The square of transverse Thiele modulus and the resi- dence time are used as bifurcation parameters. These influences of different parameters on ignition and extinction behaviors are investigated. It is shown that all these parameters have great effects on the bifurcation behaviors of ignition and extinction in the short micro-channel. The effects of flow models on bifurcation behaviors of com- bustion are are analyzed. The results show that in comparison with the flat velocity profile model, for the case of the laminar flow model, the temperatures of ignition and extinction of combustion are higher and the unsteady multiple solution region is larger.
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