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在生活的世界里,有的事对学生的影响是正面的,有的事对学生的影响是负面的;有的行为指导是积极的,有的是消极的。我们要引导学生用自己的眼睛去观察社会,用自己的心灵去感知社会,使学生对社会的各种信息做出正确的吸纳,这就要培养学生的判断力。培养学生的道德判断力,必须以学生的经验为起点,以他们的生活世界为依托,利用蕴藏在学生生活中的社会性、道德性的事例和问题作为素材,开展与学生的知识和行为能力相匹配的丰富多采的活动。小学生处于儿童少年时期,1—3年级的学生属于儿童,他们的特点是依赖性大,模仿性强,教师怎么说,他们就怎么做,他们对道德的认识和行 In the world of life, some things have a positive impact on the students. Some things have a negative impact on the students. Some guide the behaviors to be positive and some to the negative. We should guide the students to use their own eyes to observe the society, use their own souls to perceive the society and enable the students to correctly absorb all kinds of information in the society. This should foster students' judgment. To cultivate students' moral judgment, we must start from the students' experiences and rely on their living world to make use of the social and moral examples and problems contained in the students' life as the material to carry out the knowledge and behavior with students Matches a variety of activities. Primary schoolchildren are in their infancy, and pupils in grades 1-3 are children. They are characterized by large dependencies, strong imitation, what teachers say, what they do, what they say about morality and behavior
德国一年级的小学生刚入学时,便会在领到的书本中看到一个醒目的本子:封面上,绿色的田野、森林、草原、大地等图片映入眼帘,每一页的左上角都 When the first-year German f
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since作连词除了表示“既然”外,最基本用法就是表示“自从……以来”。那么是不是在所有句子中都可以这样翻译呢?我们来看一个句子: It is five years since he smoked.这个