Preparation and Characterization of Some Ferrites from CuO-ZnO-Fe_2O_3 Mixtures

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dadada123sasasa
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The ferrites of Cuo-ZnO-Fe2o3 solid solution series near the molar ratio of ZnxCu1-x were prepared by direct heating of their coprecipitated hydroxides using NH4OH as precipitating agent where x=0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0. Additional amounts of Cu and Zn sulphates were added to compensate the loss during the coprecipitation of the hydroxides. The ferritized samples were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD. DTA, TGA and SEM. XRD of both Zn0.2Cu0.8Fe2O4 and Zn0.5Cu0.5 Fe2O4 that indicates the formation of a heterogeneous ferrite material of ZnFe2O4 and CuFe2O4 mixed with variable amounts of α-Fe2O3. Zn and Cu ferrites were observed only in Zn0.8Cu0.2Fe2O4.From TGA-time relation, the activation energy of the different transformation phases were calculated. It is found that, the activation energy of ZnFe2O4 is slightly equal to 3/2 of that for CuFe2O4. Dielectric measurements show that the electrical behaviour depends on the ordering and disordering of the phases.
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本文以教学过程的规律、特点、认识、控制、反馈效果等观点阐述体育教学过程中的控制与调节。 This article expounds the control and regulation in the process of physi
摘 要:通过对在校高中生的一起突发性事件的处理,笔者提出了解决问题的应急处理的步骤和在应急过程中应遵循的方法等,并针对该突发性事件的处理而引发的教育,提出了一些具体的预防或控制处理的策略,以减少校园安全隐患的发生。  关键词:问题;矛盾;处理;教育  中图分类号:G637 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)12-005-1  一天中午,我班学生张某在学校食堂就餐,他吃饭时突然
闲暇时整理杂物,一张发黄的明信片落了出来。眼尖的女儿看见了,好奇地拿起来观看,发现了上面的字迹就问我:“老妈,是老爸送你的吧?”我笑着答是啊,是他送我的生日礼物。女儿一幅不可思议的表情:生日就送这个?老爸也太抠门了!  抠门?我怎么不觉得,反而觉得很浪漫呢!  也难怪女儿不理解,现在和二十年前怎么能比呢,那时候的爱情是很“老土”的。现在的年轻人谈恋爱,注重的是过程和感受,不在乎结果,而我们那时候谈