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目的了解婴幼儿喂养困难现状。方法 2009年4月至2010年12月采用定点抽样的方法,对全国69个市(县、区)4017名6~36月龄婴幼儿进行调查,由医务人员和主要抚养人填写婴幼儿喂养困难评分量表,进行婴幼儿喂养困难发生情况统计。结果抽样地区婴幼儿喂养困难860例,发生率为21.4%,男女发生率分别为21.1%和21.8%。城市与农村婴幼儿不同程度喂养困难发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);不同类别农村婴幼儿喂养困难发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);不同类别主要抚养人喂养困难发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);抚养人不同文化程度婴幼儿喂养困难发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);不同家庭收入婴幼儿喂养困难发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。婴幼儿不同程度喂养困难差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。结论婴幼儿喂养困难存在地区、抚养人及家庭经济收入差异。 Objective To understand the status of infant and young child feeding difficulties. Methods From April 2009 to December 2010, 4017 infants aged 6 ~ 36 months from 69 cities (counties and districts) in China were surveyed by fixed-point sampling method. Infants and young children were fed by medical staff and main caregivers Scoring scale for infant feeding difficulties statistics. Results 860 infants and young children were fed in the sampling area with a prevalence of 21.4%. The incidence rates of males and females were 21.1% and 21.8% respectively. There was significant difference in the incidence of feeding difficulties among infants and young children in urban and rural areas (P <0.01). There was significant difference in the incidence of feeding difficulties between infants and young children in different rural areas (P <0.01). Feeding difficulties occurred in different categories of main dependents (P <0.01). There was significant difference in the incidence of feeding difficulties among the children of different educational levels (P <0.01). The incidence of feeding difficulty among infants and young children with different family income was significantly different (P <0.01). Infants and young children with varying degrees of feeding difficulties were statistically significant (P all <0.01). Conclusion There are differences in infant and underprivileged children’s feeding income in different regions, dependents and families.
用免疫印迹技术检测了76例系统性红斑狼疮(SIE)患者的7种不同抗原性的盐水可提取性抗原(ENA)抗体,其阳性率分别为Sm47%、U1RNP34%、SSA28%、SSB25%、Rib21%、SCL_(-70)50%、J0-10%、总阳性率为76%。 Immunohistochemistry was used to detec
<正> 1988年冬,笔者随玉林地区文物普查组在广西博白县普查时,于县城西南35公里处南流江畔宴石山发现一组摩崖造像。宴石山高约200余米,西面临水,摩崖造像雕凿在距河面高约15米的一处天然崖壁凹面上。雕刻面宽5.5、高3米,共有3个排列在一起的尖拱形佛龛。正中的主龛内为坐佛一尊,左右两龛均为一佛二菩萨。因是红砂岩雕凿而成,剥蚀严重,但整体形象还可辨认(见图)。