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试验旨在研究饲料中不同蛋白水平对雌剑尾鱼(一种普通的家庭观赏鱼)繁殖性能的影响。5种等能半精制饲料的蛋白水平分别为20%、30%、40%、50%和60%。繁殖性能的评价主要基于生长指标、体成分和雌亲鱼的产卵量。结果显示,20%和30%蛋白组的特定生长率最低,40%和60%蛋白组的特定生长率无显著性差异。20%蛋白组剑尾鱼的卵巢和肌肉蛋白含量最低。50%和60%蛋白组亲鱼的产卵量最高,30%和40%蛋白组次之,20%蛋白组最低。产卵量和雌剑尾鱼重量存在正相关关系,说明亲鱼规格是影响产卵量的重要因素之一。繁殖力以20%蛋白组最低,其次是30%~40%蛋白组和40%~60%蛋白组。各蛋白组间鱼苗的重量和长度以及体成分均无显著差异。雌剑尾鱼繁殖期间饲料蛋白需求取决于亲鱼个体生长和繁殖过程中鱼苗的适宜产量。基于以上结果,建议雌剑尾鱼繁殖期间饲料蛋白含量要高于30%。 The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of different protein levels in feed on reproductive performance of female swordtail, an ordinary family ornamental fish. The protein levels of the five isoenhanced semi-refined feeds were 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%, respectively. The evaluation of reproductive performance is based on growth indicators, body composition and fecundity of females. The results showed that the specific growth rates of 20% and 30% protein groups were the lowest, while the specific growth rates of 40% and 60% protein groups showed no significant difference. The 20% protein group had the lowest ovarian and muscle protein content. The 50% and 60% proteomes had the highest fecundity, followed by 30% and 40% proteomes and the lowest 20% proteomes. There was a positive correlation between egg production and female swordfish weight, indicating that the broodstock specification is one of the important factors that affect the fecundity. Fecundity was the lowest in 20% of the proteome, followed by 30% -40% of the proteome and 40% -60% of the proteome. There was no significant difference in the weight and length of the fry and the body composition between each protein group. Feed protein requirements during estrus reproduction depend on the appropriate production of fish fry during growth and reproduction of broodstock. Based on the above results, it is suggested that the feed protein content of female swordtail during breeding is higher than 30%.
纳米卫星的概念,是由美国科学家于1995年首先提出的。科学家们把卫星按重量分为好多类,1000千克以上的为大型卫星,100千克~500千克为小型卫星,10千克~100千克的为微型卫星,10千克以下的为纳米卫星。纳米卫星在体积上更绝,仅仅比麻雀略大一些。为什么科学家想把卫星做得这么小呢?  首先,纳米卫星的研制成本低。目前,平均每1千克卫星研制费用为8万~10万美元;每千克卫星的发射费用为2万~4万
贵刊02年5月刊登了《abc≤((a+b+c)/3)3在物理中的应用》一文,其中题2: 如图所示,用轻绳悬挂一小球,将小球拉至水平 In May 2002, your magazine published the article “
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