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关于汉字的形体结构,很早就有“六书”的说法,东汉许慎所著的《说文解字》并对“六书”作了解释,举了例字。所谓“六书”,即象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借六种造字方法。这是战国以来许慎等人根据汉字的形体结构和使用情况,加以分析归纳出来的字体分类。我们了解一些六书知识,对辨识汉字,读懂古书有一定的作用,下面对六书作一些简单的介绍。 一、象形 许慎说:“象形者,画成其物,随体诘诎,日月是也。”诘诎即折屈,意思是描摹事物的形体,根据物体的形状运笔。如日月()等字。象形,也就是象实物之形。只不过我国的文字经过了从甲骨文、金文、篆书、隶书到楷书的变化,所以很难看出象形字的原形了。 Regarding the physical structure of Chinese characters, there have long been the saying of “six books”, “Shuo Wen Jie Zi” written by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and an explanation of the “Six Books”. The so-called “six books”, that pictographic, referring to things, knowing, shaped sound, note transfer, under the guise of six methods of making characters. This is from the warring States Xu et al. According to the Chinese character structure and usage, to be analyzed and summarized the font classification. We know some six books of knowledge, to identify Chinese characters, read ancient books have a certain role, the following six books for some simple introduction. First, the pictogram Xu Shen said: “Pictorial, painted as its object, with the body 诘 诎, the sun and the moon is also.” 诘 诎 is flexing, meaning is to describe the physical form, according to the shape of the object. Such as the sun and the moon () and other words. Hieroglyphics, that is, as the physical form. However, the text of our country has gone through the changes from the inscriptions of the inscriptions on the bones of the earth, the gold seal, the seal script, the scripture to the regular script, so it is hard to see the prototype of the pictograph.
在依法治国的大背景下,教师依法执教问题日益成为人们普遍关注的问题. 本文通过阐述教师依法执教的意义,重点分析教师常见的违反教育法律法规的类型及特征,并提出了教师依法
【内容摘要】随着新课改的深入,英语教学越来越受重视。课堂是学习的主阵地,学生想要提升英语成绩还得回归课堂,充分利用课堂时间吸收知识,深化运用,实现英语学习的价值。为此,我们要致力于高效课堂的打造,为学生营造良好的学习环境,激发其学习兴趣,鼓励其主动学习,积极探究,促进学习能力的提升。  【关键词】高中英语 高效课堂 构建 途径  英语作为一种语言,背后蕴含着精深的文化,学生想要学好它,不仅要掌握基
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