
来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmn100200
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本文研究了马尾松实生种子园建立第五年时植株的生长与分枝状况,研究的性状包括树高、胸径、枝条总数、年高生长、 年枝条生长量、年分枝数、不同分枝处树干直径等。对总的生长与分枝性状(含树高、胸径、枝条总数)分析表明:家系间只在胸径方面存在显著差异。对分年度的生长与分枝性状的研究表明:家系间在年高生长、年枝条生长量、年枝条直径方面无显著差异;年分枝数在刚建立的前两年家系间没有显著差异,后两年则差异显著;不同分枝处树干直径在连续的四年内,家系间均存在显著差异。不同年度的生长与分枝的趋势分析结果发现,大部分家系的年高生长与年枝条生长呈递增型,而大部分家系每年的分枝数却为波动型。这些研究结果表明,该马尾松实生种子园到建立的第五年时,家系间的差异大部分都不显著。究其原因,一方面可能是马尾松初期生长节律;另一方面可能是因为建园家系复杂的父本构成。因此,这个时期进行家系选择不太有效,建议在利用优树自由授粉子代建立实生种子园时,对他们先期进行苗期选择,而不是采用所有的子代。图1表4参20。 In this paper, the growth and branching status of Pinus massoniana seedlings in the fifth year was studied. The characters of the study include height of tree, diameter at breast height, total number of branches, height growth, annual growth, annual branch number, Department of trunk diameter and so on. Analysis of total growth and branching traits (including tree height, DBH, total number of shoots) showed that there was only significant difference in DBH among the families. The research on the annual growth and branching traits showed that there was no significant difference between the pedigrees in annual height growth, annual branch growth and annual branch diameter. There was no significant difference in the number of annual branches between the two families in the first two years of establishment, After two years, the difference was significant; the diameter of the trunk of different branches in the continuous four years, there are significant differences between the families. According to the trend analysis of growth and branching in different years, the annual growth and annual shoot growth of most pedigrees showed an increasing pattern, while the majority of the families had fluctuating branches every year. The results of these studies show that most of the differences between pedigrees are not significant when the Pinus massoniana seedlings were established in the fifth year. The reason, on the one hand may be the initial growth rhythm of Pinus massoniana; the other hand may be due to the formation of a complex paternity park family composition. Therefore, choosing pedigree during this period is not very effective. It is suggested that when seedlings are established by free pollinating progeny with elite trees, they should be pre-stageled instead of using all offspring. Figure 1 Table 4 Reference 20.
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