The disappearing Chinese river dolphin

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  In fact, finless porpoise is not the only freshwater cetacean in Yangtze River. Another one is Chinese river dolphin. They are referred to as Yangtze River dolphins and at the top of the trophic relation of Yangtze River ecological system and are the symbols of biological diversity and healthy status of ecological system, so they are regarded as the flagship species of Yangtze River ecological system.
  Chinese river dolphin, a creature was recorded 2000 years ago in Erhya has lived on earth for 25 million years. As the fewest of the world five freshwater dolphins, it can only be seen at the Middle and lower Yangtze River. Not like the round head and smiling month of finless porpoise, it has long and narrow upper and lower jaws and the end of the jaw is slightly upward.
  In January, 1980, a Chinese river dolphin was caught in Chenglingji, Hunan and was sent to Wuhan aquatic creature study bureau. This male Chinese river dolphin was named "Qi Qi" and was the only artificial rearing Chinese river dolphin in the world at that time.
  In 1992, approve by the State Council, Tian-E-Zhou became a national reserve. The only Chinese river dolphin lived there was caught in Yangtze River in 1995 for pairing of Qi Qi. But in the flood at the summer of 1996, it died by touching the net and the pairing failed.
  At the beginning of 1997, a three-year large scale monitoring on Chinese river dolphin was led by Ministry of Agriculture and technically supported by aquatic creature study bureau. They found 13 Chinese river dolphins in 1997, 4 in 1998 and 4 in 1990. But in 1980s, there were 400.
  In order to find Chinese river dolphin and put it in Tian-E-Zhou for breed conservation, in November and December, 2006, 60 experts and scholars from 7 countries led by Wang Ding, deputy director of aquatic creature study bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences did 39 days’ research on Yangtze River.
  The result was that they didn’t find one Chinese river dolphin.
  Wang Kexiong, researcher of the aquatic creature study bureau recalled that, when finishing the research, a German female member held the back of the ship’s rail and didn’t want to leave but kept crying. "It is because disembarking means the end of 39 days’ scientific research and the end of the 25 million survival history of Chinese river dolphin."
  After this scientific research, Chinese river dolphin was announced "functionally extinct".
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其实,江豚并不是唯一生活在长江的淡水鲸类动物。另一种为白暨豚。白暨豚和长江江豚被统称为长江豚类,它们处于长江生态系统营养关系的顶端,是长江生物多样性和生态系统健康状况的标志,因此被看作是长江生态系统的旗舰物种。  白暨豚,这种在两千多年前的《尔雅》中就有记载的生物,已在地球上生活了2,500万年。作为世界上五种淡水豚中数量最少的一种,全世界只有长江中下游有它的身影。不似江豚圆圆的脑袋和像是微笑着的