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1998年各地教育行政部门和学校在全面贯彻教育方针、推进素质教育实施的同时,按照我部对中小学生近视眼防治工作(以下简称“防近”工作)的要求,继续深入地开展“防近”工作,取得了一定成效,但学生近视眼发病率仍然很高,“防近”工作的形势不容乐观,各级教育部门和学校必须保持清醒的认识,并进一步加大“防近”工作力度。现将1998年“防近”工作情况和学生视力监测结果公告如下:一、开展“防近”工作的情况北京、山东等地教育行政部门和学校将学生近视眼防治工作作为全面实施素质教育的重要内容,将有关“防近”指标纳入教育督导内容。如:北京市将中小学生近视眼新发病率纳 In 1998, education administrations and schools across the country fully implemented the education policy and promoted the implementation of quality education. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education for the prevention and treatment of nearsightedness of middle and primary school students (hereinafter referred to as “protection from work”), we continued to carry out in-depth development. “Near-proximation” work has achieved certain results, but the incidence of nearsightedness among students is still very high, and the situation of “protection against ” work is not optimistic. All levels of education departments and schools must maintain a clear understanding and further increase “Protective near ” work. We will announce the results of the “Immersive Prevention” work situation and student vision monitoring in 1998 as follows: I. Cases of “Protection” and “Near-Protective” work Education administrative departments and schools in Beijing, Shandong, and other places have made the prevention and treatment of myopia for students complete. To implement the important content of quality education, we will include the relevant “protection from non-stop” indicators into the educational supervision content. For example, Beijing will increase the incidence of myopia in primary and middle school students.
既然无处可逃,不如喜悦罢;既然没有净土,不如净心罢;既然没有如愿,不如释然罢。别以为这是什么偈语,只不过是一点人生感悟罢了。  二十一世纪的社会,条条框框的门槛常将人挡在一个闭塞狭小的空间内,然而,固执的欲望只是无限膨胀,变成随时可能爆炸的气球,收起也不是,似乎一收起这点欲望,就会让别人误以为自己得过且过,易于满足;放开也不是,似乎一放开,就被别人视为欲壑难填,欲求无度,也怕自己被欲望洪流冲昏了头
说起癌症,人们往往会想到死亡。然而,笔者来到北京市红十字新华医院,那里的肿瘤病人却是另外一种景象。 有位患者,三年前患结肠癌肝转移并腹水,许多医院都认为没有治疗价值,
《永远的都柏林人》艾德娜·欧伯莲著,陈荣彬译左岸文化事业有限公司,2003年6月版定价:250.00元在青春期的时候,詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)时常受到这样那样的困扰,主要是
IN recent years in Beijing, milky white buildings with red crosses have risen from the ground one after another as have clinics and wards. Those that have open