沉痛哀悼太阳能巨星坠落 决心再铸新能源产业辉煌——各界人士在深沉痛告别闻立时院士

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【本刊讯】(记者卢利平龙斌据网载信息整理)2010年7月19日上午10时,中国工程院闻立时院士遗体告别仪式在深圳市殡仪馆①号大厅隆重举行。中国共产党党员、中国工程院院士、我国著名材料科学家、太阳能科技泰斗、中国科学院金属研究所研究员、博士生导师闻立时同志,于2010年2月23日应邀在深圳市讲学时,突发脑溢血昏倒在讲台上,虽经多方救治,不幸于2010年4月6日17时30分在深圳逝世,享年74岁。党和国家领导人胡锦涛、温家宝、习近平、李克强、刘延东、李源潮、路甬祥、阮崇武等分别发来唁电唁函,对闻院士的逝世表示哀悼,并向家属表示慰问。 [Reporter] (Reporter Lu Liping Long Bin According to the information networked) July 19, 2010 at 10 o’clock, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Weng Li, when the remains of academician farewell ceremony was held in Shenzhen funeral hall Hall No. ①. Chinese Communist Party members, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China’s famous material scientists, solar energy technology leader, Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher, doctoral tutor Wen Lishi comrades, on February 23, 2010 was invited to give lectures in Shenzhen, sudden cerebral hemorrhage collapsed in On the podium, despite the multi-party treatment, unfortunately, at 17:30 on April 6, 2010, died in Shenzhen at the age of 74. Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Liu Yandong, Li Yuanchao, Lu Yongxiang and Nguyen Chongwu respectively sent letters of congratulation to the leaders of the party and state and expressed their condolences on the death of the academicians and expressed their condolences to the families.
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