
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pisces_ww
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小麦白粉菌分生孢子萌发的温度范围为-2~34℃,最适为10~17℃。分生孢子离体后在2℃5天,7~17℃3天,20℃2天都还有侵染力。分生孢子在0~100%的湿度下都可以萌发,湿度愈大萌发率愈高,尤以在水面萌发率最高。分生孢子侵入寄主的湿度必须在65%以上,湿度愈大发病愈重。分生孢子在pH2.2~12.4的范围内都可以萌发,以pH4.2~7.7最适。紫外光对分生孢子有强裂的杀伤作用。在直射阳光下分生孢子的寿命比散光和黑暗条件下短。分生孢子荫发必须要有充足的氧气。光照能促使分生孢子的形成。在自然条件下,分生孢子形成有昼夜变化的规律,白天形成的孢子数比夜间形成的孢子数约大3倍。分生孢子传播的有效距离力15公里以上,传播的有效高度大于979公尺。 The temperature range of conidial germination of wheat powdery mildew was -2 ~ 34 ℃, the optimum was 10 ~ 17 ℃. Conidia in vitro after 5 days at 2 ℃, 7 ~ 17 ℃ 3 days, 20 ℃ 2 days are still infectivity. Conidia in 0 ~ 100% humidity can germinate, the greater the humidity higher germination rate, especially in the water germination rate. Conidia invade the host’s humidity must be above 65%, the greater the incidence of morbidity. Conidia in the pH range of 2.2 ~ 12.4 can germinate to pH4.2 ~ 7.7 optimum. UV light on the conidia strong cleavage of the killing effect. Conidia live shorter in direct sunlight than in astigmatism and darkness. Conidia hair must have sufficient oxygen. Light can promote the formation of conidia. Under natural conditions, the formation of conidia changes day and night, the number of spores formed during the day than the number of spores formed about 3 times larger. The effective distance of conidia propagation is more than 15 km, and the effective height of propagation is more than 979 meters.
一.r-选择与K-选择每种生物都有其生态对策(bionomicstrategies,ecological strategies).生态对策就反映在大小、世代时间、寿命、生殖能力、分布范围及迁移习性等方面,它能
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小麦、大(元)麦、燕麦以及黑麦各有特种的黑穗病寄生为害;如小麦的网腥黑穗、丸腥黑穗、稈黑粉和散黑穗,大(元)麦的坚黑穗和散黑穗,燕麦的坚黑穗和散黑 Wheat, large (yuan