The transformation between τ and TCB for deep space missions under IAU resolutions

来源 :Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivltuk70972
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For tracking spacecraft and performing radio science,the transformation between the proper time(τ) given by a clock carried onboard a spacecraft and the barycentric coordinate time(TCB) is investigated under IAU resolutions.In order to more clearly demonstrate manifestations of a physical model and improve computational efficiency,an analytic approach is adopted.After numerical verification,it is confirmed that this method is adequate to describe a Mars orbiter during one year,and is particularly good at describing the influence from perturbing bodies.Further analyses demonstrate that there are two main effects in the transformation:the gravitational field of the Sun and the velocity of the spacecraft in the barycentric coordinate reference system.The combined contribution of these effects is at the level of a few sub-seconds. For tracking spacecraft and performing radio science, the transformation between the proper time (τ) given by a clock carried onboard a spacecraft and the barycentric coordinate time (TCB) is investigated under IAU resolutions.In order to more clearly demonstrate manifestations of a physical model and improve computational efficiency, an analytic approach is adopted .After numerical verification, it is confirmed that this method is adequate to describe a Mars orbiter during one year, and is particularly good at describing the influence from perturbing bodies. two main effects in the transformation: the gravitational field of the Sun and the velocity of the spacecraft in the barycentric coordinate reference system. The combined contribution of these effects is at the level of a few sub-seconds.
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