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以酒西盆地鸭儿峡志留系白云岩为研究对象,分析了其展布规律及作为优质储层的条件。基于对酒西盆地鸭儿峡志留系白云岩碳氧同位素的分析,对酒西盆地鸭儿峡志留系白云岩古盐度和古温度进行研究。分析表明,鸭儿峡志留系白云岩分布受到构造应力、断层发育、裂缝发育带、深部热液等因素影响,符合构造控制白云岩的特点。白云岩化作用、裂缝发育、溶蚀孔洞发育等是鸭儿峡志留系白云岩作为优质储层的先决条件。鸭儿峡白云岩δ~(13)C介于-0.59‰~-0.90‰之间;δ~(18)O值介于-14.2‰~-7.00‰;成岩温度和δ~(18)O平衡温度均较高,平均值分别为69.23℃和69.13℃,显示鸭儿峡白云岩具有热液成因特征;Z值范围在108.30~121.17之间,表明白云岩为海陆交互相,以海相沉积环境为主。δ~(18)O值较低,白云岩形成可能受到后期淡水淋滤的影响。因此,可以推断鸭西白云岩为构造热液控制白云岩成因模式白云岩。鸭南地区地质构造和鸭西地区相似,鸭南地区潜山高部位可能发育构造热液白云岩,是下一步勘探的有利区域。研究结果对于深化鸭儿峡白云岩的成因具有重要作用,对于类似地区白云岩成因研究具有一定的借鉴意义。 Taking the Silurian Silurian Silurian dolomite of Duerxia Gorge in the West Liquor Basin as the research object, the distribution rules and the conditions of high quality reservoirs are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the Carbon and Oxygen isotopes of the Silurian Silurian dolomite at Duerxia Gorge, the West Sichuan Basin, the paleo-salinity and palaeoflorescence of the Silurian Silurian dolomite at Duerxia Gorge in the western Liuxi basin were studied. The analysis shows that the distribution of dolomite in Xiazierxiaosu system is affected by tectonic stress, fault development, zone of fracture development and hydrothermal fluids, which is in line with the characteristics of tectonic control dolomite. Dolomitization, development of fractures and development of dissolved pores are the prerequisites for the dolomite of the Jurassic Silurian as a high-quality reservoir. The delta 13 C of the Duerzia dolomite ranged from -0.59 ‰ to -0.90 ‰, the δ 18 O value ranged from -14.2 ‰ to -7.00 ‰, the diagenetic temperature and δ 18 O balance The results show that the dolomite in the Yaerxia Gorge is characterized by hydrothermal characteristics. The Z value ranged from 108.30 to 121.17, indicating that the dolomite is an intercontinental sea-land facies, and the marine sedimentary environment Mainly. The δ 18 O values ​​are lower and dolomite formation may be affected by leaching of freshwater in the later stage. Therefore, it can be inferred that the duck-West dolomite is the dolomite for tectono-hydrothermal domination dolomite. The geological structure in the Yalun area is similar to that in the Yaxi area, and the high-lying buried hill areas in the Yalun area may develop structural hydrothermal dolomite, which is a favorable area for exploration in the next step. The research results have an important role in deepening the genesis of the Dolina dolomite, which is of great significance to the study of the genesis of dolomite in similar areas.
目的 研究在甲状腺结节超声教学中采取案例教学法(CBL)联合问题式学习(PBL)教学法产生的应用价值.方法 选取本院于超声科实习以及进修医师50例,时间选为2015年1月~2020年1月,