
来源 :法制与经济(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghuah
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刑事审判因为其结果对社会生活和个人生活的强烈影响力,使得审判过程本身应当遵循最大程度上的科学性和人性关怀精神。我国在推行“法治”的过程中,逐渐将司法审判从过去的片面强调对犯罪的追究转向了在审判过程中实现控制犯罪与保护人权相平衡。但是在现行的刑事诉讼程序制度中,仍存在一些弊端,也不利于人权的保护,难以体现司法正义。譬如刑事证据的相关制度,证据的出示与认定是刑事诉讼程序中的关键环节,它决定了一个行为在法律上是否认定为犯罪,行为主体是否应当被追究责任,以及应承担责任的程度。一场刑事审判可以认为是一个认定证据、依靠证据还原行为事实并得出相应价值评断的过程。而我国现行的制度并不能很好的保证这个过程符合法律正义的标准。本文将针对我国的刑事证据移送制度进行分析,指出其弊端,并提出相应的改革方案。 Due to the strong influence of its result on social life and personal life, criminal trial itself should follow the principle of maximizing science and humanistic concern. In the course of promoting “rule of law ” in our country, we gradually shifted the judicial trial from the previous one-sided emphasis on the investigation of crimes to the balance between the crime control and the protection of human rights during the trial. However, in the current system of criminal procedure, there are still some drawbacks, which are not conducive to the protection of human rights and hardly reflect the judicial justice. For example, the relevant system of criminal evidence, the production and identification of evidence is the key link in criminal procedure, which determines whether an act is legally recognized as a crime, whether the subject of conduct should be held accountable and to what extent should be liable. A criminal trial can be considered as a proof of evidence, relying on evidence to restore the facts of behavior and come to the corresponding value assessment process. The current system in our country does not guarantee that this process meets the standards of legal justice. This article will analyze the system of transfer of criminal evidence in our country, point out its drawbacks and put forward the corresponding reform plan.
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为深入研究探讨人民法院减刑、假释工作中的若干实务问题,9月25日,省法院刑三庭与本刊编辑部在临朐共同举办了“全省法院完善减刑、假释制度专题论坛”。来自 In order to f