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9月19日至20日,自治区党委、政府在呼和浩特召开全区文化体制改革工作会议。这次会议按照中央关于深化文化体制改革的总体部署和任务要求,安排部署了我区文化体制改革试点工作。会议决定,自治区宣传文化系统以组建几个实力较为雄厚的文化事业和产业集团为重点,全面带动直属文化单位的改革和发展。盟市文化体制改革确定包头、鄂尔多斯、通辽、赤峰四市为文化体制改革综合试点地区,主要承担地区性综合探索和盟市级文化单位改革试点任务,为其他盟市推进文化体制改革积累经验、提供参考和借鉴。会上,自治区党委常委、宣传部部长莫建成要求以上试点单位和地区,要着力完成以下六个方面的改革任务: From September 19th to 20th, autonomous regional party committees and governments held a meeting on reforming the cultural system in Hohhot. In accordance with the overall arrangements and tasks of the Central Government on deepening the reform of the cultural system, the meeting arranged and deployed pilot projects on the reform of the cultural system in our district. The meeting decided that the propaganda and cultural system in the autonomous region should focus on building several cultural undertakings and industrial groups with relatively strong capabilities to comprehensively promote the reform and development of the cultural units directly under the Central Government. The reform of the cultural system of the city’s municipalities confirmed that the four pilot cities of Baotou, Erdos, Tongliao and Chifeng were the pilot areas for the comprehensive reform of the cultural system. They mainly undertook the pilot projects of regional comprehensive exploration and reform of municipal-level cultural units, accumulated experience for the other municipalities to promote cultural system reform, Provide reference and reference. At the meeting, Mo Jiancheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region, urged the above pilot units and regions to strive to accomplish the following six tasks of reform:
现实生活中存在部分青少年因缺乏社会公德心而导致行为举止失范的现象,本文立足于青少年缺乏社会公德的现状,分析其内在原因,探讨强化青少年的社会公德教育的有效方法。 The
早晨,刚刚走出家门就看到一片片白茫茫的雪,像飞舞的花瓣,從天空中飘落下来,落在了我的手上,感觉凉沁沁的,真是太舒服了。  走进校园,哇!整个校园都已经被雪花覆盖了,像一床厚厚的被子,看上去很温暖。我真不忍心去破坏它,几只小鸟飞来在被子上踩了几个小脚印,像是被子上的花纹,好美啊。  教学楼前面的松树,像一名身穿铠甲的勇士。  我喜欢这迷人的雪景,我喜欢被白雪覆盖的校园,我喜欢这雪后的家乡。  作者: