创特色 重实效 求发展——渭源县锹峪乡精神文明建设巡礼

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在渭源县南部山区,沿锹峪河谷而上,但见十多座漂亮的钢筋水泥便桥连接着两岸村庄,一排排整齐的白杨树始终走不出你的视野,公路两旁平展展的田野和山坡上的羊群构成了一幅美妙的图画,一处处青砖大瓦房,一个个正进行比赛的篮球场,以及一架架指向蓝天的电视天线尽入你的眼帘,这就是渭源县锹峪乡。一这个有11个行政村、3750户农户、1.6万多人的山区小乡,有着“棋摊炕上摆、篮球村村赛”的优良传统。多年来,乡党委、政府因势利导,从乡情民情出发,提出“顺民心、合民意、办实事、抓落实”的工作思路,以群众性文体活动为突破口,大力开展精神文明创建活动,促进了全乡各项事业的健康发展。改革开放以来,锹峪乡党委坚持“文体活动搭台,经济流通唱戏”和“活跃文化生活,促进文明建设”的指导方针,每年搞一次全乡农民体育运动会,20多年不间断,不仅丰富了群众的文化生活,而且增加了广大农民的集体荣誉感和村党支部的凝聚力、战斗力。运动员队伍由最初的几十个农民发展到现在的干部、教师、学生、农民几百人的广泛参与。运动会不仅有仪仗队表演和篮球、自行车、越野、拔河、象棋、射击、乒乓球比赛等体育项目,还举行学校文艺节目汇演、农民业余秦腔队演出、放电影、放录像、农民书画作品展览等文艺活动,同时还举行计划生 In the mountains of the southern Weiyuan County, along the shovel valley, the more than a dozen beautiful reinforced concrete bridges connect the villages on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The rows of neat poplar trees never walk out of your field of vision. And flocks on the hillside to form a wonderful picture, a brick building, a basketball court is playing the game, and a television antenna pointing to the blue sky into your eyes, this is Weiyuan County shovel Valley Township. This has 11 administrative villages, 3750 farmer households, more than 16000 mountainous small rural areas, with “chess kang swing, basketball village competition ” fine tradition. Over the years, the township party committees and governments have been making the best use of their nostalgia for the purpose of starting from the nostalgia and the conditions of their own country. They have put forward the working train of thought of “bringing along the people’s will, meeting the needs of the people, fulfilling the realities and grasping the implementation.” Taking the mass cultural and sports activities as the breakthrough point, The township, the cause of the healthy development. Since the reform and opening up, Shueyu Township party committees adhere to the guiding principles of “sports and sports singing,” “active cultural life and promotion of civilized development”, engaging in peasant sports games every year for more than 20 years , Not only enriched the cultural life of the masses, but also increased the collective honor of the broad masses of peasants and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the village party branches. The number of athletes has grown from the initial dozens of peasants to the present involvement of hundreds of cadres, teachers, students and peasants. The games not only include honor guard performances and sports such as basketball, cycling, off-road, tug of war, chess, shooting and table tennis competitions, but also showcasing school literature and art shows, performances by peasant amateur Qin cavalry, filming and video recording, Activities, also held a family planning
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