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为探索简便易行、适用于临床鉴别多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)过多雄激素来源的方法,对11例雄激素增高的PCOS患者进行雄烯二酮(A2)与皮质醇(F)的同步释放试验、地塞米松抑制试验及舒经酚刺激试验,随后进行舒经酚诱导排卵治疗,对舒经酚耐药者辅以地塞米松治疗。结果:(1)4例A2与F的同步变化不明显,地塞米松对A2的抑制也不明显,舒经酚刺激后A2及雌二醇(E2)升高明显,舒经酚诱导排卵7个周期中5个周期排卵,提示过多雄激素主要来源于卵巢。(2)7例A2与F的同步变化明显,地塞米松对A2明显抑制,舒经酚刺激后A2及E2升高不明显,舒经酚诱导排卵13个周期中仅2个周期排卵。辅以地塞米松治疗后,2例排卵并获妊娠,表明过多雄激素除卵巢外,兼有肾上腺来源。提示综合舒经酚刺激试验与地塞米松抑制试验,以A2及E2为指标,可用于鉴别PCOS患者过多雄激素的不同来源,同步释放试验对鉴别也有一定意义,雄激素基础水平的测定对鉴别意义不大。 In order to explore a simple and feasible method for the clinical identification of excessive androgen source in PCOS, 11 androgen-sensitive PCOS patients were treated with androstenedione (A2) and cortisol (F) Simultaneous release test, dexamethasone inhibition test and aphrodisitol stimulation test, followed by the treatment of paracetamol-induced ovulation, resorcinol-resistant patients supplemented by dexamethasone treatment. Results: (1) The changes of A2 and F in 4 cases were not obvious. The inhibition of A2 by dexamethasone was not obvious. A2 and E2 were significantly increased after resveratrol treatment, and ovulation induced by resorcinol 7 Ovulation cycle of 5 cycles, suggesting that too much androgen mainly from the ovary. (2) The synchronous changes of A2 and F in 7 cases were obvious. Dexamethasone significantly inhibited A2, while A2 and E2 did not increase obviously after stimulated by resorcinol. Ovulation was induced only by 2 cycles in 13 cycles. Supplemented by dexamethasone treatment, 2 cases of ovulation and pregnancy, indicating that excessive androgen addition to the ovary, both adrenal sources. These results suggest that the combination of dihydroergotoxine stimulation test and dexamethasone inhibition test can be used to identify the different sources of excess androgen in patients with PCOS. The simultaneous release test also has some significance for the identification. The determination of the basic level of androgen Identification of little significance.
凤凰古城位于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县境内,城区面积不过一平方公里。这里自然风光秀丽,历史文化底蕴深厚,被人们称为“湘西明珠”。 Fenghuang ancient city is l
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