近年来 ,国内在使用“云克”(99Tc~MDP)药物治疗多发性骨转移瘤取得了显著进展 ,对减轻痛苦 ,延长生存期 ,提高生活质量有很好疗效。本文探讨“云克”治疗多发性骨转移瘤患者前后的免疫状态 ,以判断“云克”对骨肿瘤的免疫功能的影响。1 材料与方法1.1 临床资料1996年
In recent years, the use of “Yunke” (99Tc ~ MDP) drugs in the treatment of multiple bone metastases have made significant progress in reducing pain, prolong survival and improve quality of life have a good effect. This article discusses “Yunke” treatment of multiple bone metastases in patients with immune status before and after to determine “Yunke” on bone tumor immune function. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data 1996