Partial Oxidation of Methane Over the Perovskite Oxides

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinqing101
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Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-?and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Ti0.2O3- oxides were synthesized by a combined EDTA-citrate complexing method. The catalytic behavior of these two oxides with the perovskite structure was studied during the reaction of methane oxidation. The pre-treatment with methane has different effect on the catalytic activities of both the oxides. The methane pre-treatment has not resulted in the change of the catalytic activity of BSCFO owing to its excellent reversibility of the perovskite structure resulting from the excellent synergistic interaction between Co and Fe in the oxide. However, the substitution with Ti on Fe-site in the lattice makes the methane pre-treatment have an obvious influence on the activity of the formed BSCTO oxide. Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-? And Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Ti0.2O3-oxide were synthesized by a combined EDTA-citrate complexing method. The catalytic behavior of these two oxides with the perovskite structure was studied during the reaction of methane oxidation. The pre-treatment with methane has different effect on the catalytic activities of both the oxides. The methane pre-treatment has not resulted in the change of the catalytic activity of BSCFO owing to its excellent reversibility of the perovskite structure resulting from the excellent synergistic interaction between Co and Fe in the oxide. However, the substitution with Ti on Fe-site in the lattice makes the methane pre-treatment have an obvious influence on the activity of the formed BSCTO oxide.
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油品名称石脑油(美元/吨) 汽仲(美元/桶)航空煤神(美元/桶) 柴油(美元/桶)姗料油(美元/吨) 180厘拖新加坡173.6221 .0421 .4520。821997年12月}东京!1998年1月}东京187.78中
为增进世界华人科学家、企业家、管理者之间的交流 ,促进高等学校及科研单位科技成果的转化 ,由兰州大学、西北师范大学、香港理工大学、台湾中兴大学、中国科学院兰州化学物
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