
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingmiannv
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农谚说玉米“干花不灌,减产一半”。这是我国农民根据多年栽种玉米的经验,对玉米开花期间灌水的重要性所作的精辟结论。玉米同小麦、棉花、大豆等作物相比,是比较耐旱的作物。其植株高大,产量高,但其蒸腾系数为368,仅高于高粱(322)和粟(310),小于小麦(531)和棉花(646), Agricultural proverbs say corn “dry flowers are not irrigation, cut in half.” This is a brilliant conclusion made by our peasants on the importance of irrigating corn during flowering based on years of experience in planting corn. Compared with the crops of wheat, cotton and soybean, corn is a more drought-tolerant crop. Its plant height is high and its yield is high, but its transpiration coefficient is 368, which is only higher than those of sorghum (322) and millet (310), less than wheat (531) and cotton (646)