
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sean1221
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【目的】调查浙江省青少年3岁内生活环境因素与其后过敏性疾病发病之间的关系。【方法】以2009年期间在温州医学院就读的大学1~3年级学生为对象,以学生与家长在调查人员的指导下共同填写回顾性调查表的方式进行,收集3岁内生活环境相关因素等数据资料,应用SPSS 16.0统计学软件进行二元Logistic回归分析。【结果】家中饲养家禽与特应性皮炎发病增加有关;饲养猫与支气管哮喘发病增加有关;家中蟑螂数量与特应性皮炎、支气管哮喘、变应性鼻炎发病增加有关;家族过敏史是与变应性鼻炎、变应性胃肠炎、荨麻疹、食物过敏发病相关的危险因素;男性发生变应性胃肠炎的机率较女性低,随着同胞数量的增多变应性胃肠炎的发病危险下降;居住于农村是减少支气管哮喘和变应性鼻炎发病的保护因素。【结论】家族过敏史是影响过敏性疾病发生的重要因素,居住于农村是预防呼吸道过敏症状发生的保护因素,家中蟑螂数量多是皮肤和呼吸道过敏症发生的危险因素,家中动物饲养也是影响过敏性疾病发病的因素。 【Objective】 To investigate the relationship between environmental factors and the incidence of allergic diseases in adolescents aged 3 years in Zhejiang Province. 【Methods】 A total of 1 to 3 year college students enrolled in Wenzhou Medical College during 2009 were enrolled in a retrospective questionnaire under the guidance of investigators. Pupils and parents were collected to collect the relevant factors of living environment within 3 years of age And other data, the application of SPSS 16.0 statistical software for binary Logistic regression analysis. 【Result】 The incidence of atopic dermatitis increased with the raising of domesticated poultry in the family. The number of domesticated cockroaches was related to the increased incidence of atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis, allergic gastroenteritis, urticaria, food allergy incidence risk factors; men with allergic gastroenteritis is less likely than women, with the increase in the number of siblings allergic gastroenteritis incidence Dangerous decline; living in rural areas is to reduce the incidence of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis protective factors. 【Conclusion】 The history of family allergy is an important factor affecting the occurrence of allergic diseases. Living in rural areas is a protective factor in preventing the occurrence of allergic respiratory symptoms. The number of cockroaches in the family is a risk factor for skin and respiratory allergies. The domestic animal husbandry also affects allergy The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.
【目的】分析口腔与胃中幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)的检测结果,证明口腔Hp可能是胃HP的一个重要储菌池。【方法】采用快速尿素酶试验和13C尿素呼气试验相结合的方法
【目的】调查泉州市5岁以下儿童维生素A缺乏(vitamin A deficiency,VAD)现状及其影响因素。【方法】对儿童进行病史询问、膳食调查和血清维生素A检测。【结果】泉州市5岁以下
肠气囊肿(pneumatosis cystoids Intestinalis,pcI)是一种罕见的消化道疾病,小肠和结肠壁上出现类似息肉状的含气体的囊腔,又称囊样肠积气,是胃肠道的黏膜下或浆膜下出现气性
目的 研究控制糖尿病患者孕期肥胖对降低先兆子痫的风险,为临床治疗提供参考依据.方法 选取2015年3月-2017年3月期间该院门诊部与住院部收治的孕妇120例.以数字法随机分成观