以“科技是第一生产力”为导向 实现两个根本性转变

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国民经济的发展现状决定了中国经济必须要实现两个根本性转变;科学技术的性质和地位决定了实现两个转变必须以科技作为导向。科学技术的“第一生产力”本性表现为它的客观品性以及它在生产力中的地位和作用,其导向作用表现为科学技术通过增殖价值剩余、改变有机构成、推进波动周期、提高生产函数及投入产出率来引导经济的增长内涵和集约程度而使增长方式得以转变,又通过优化资源配置、改变市场结构、创造生产需求、推动流通环节而引导市场体系的发育和成长而使经济体制得以转变。同时,产业结构、企业制度的变革和产品战略的选择也将作为中介而使科学技术、经济增长、市场体制三位一体的联动发展得以强化。 The current development of the national economy determines that the Chinese economy must realize two fundamental changes. The nature and status of science and technology determine that the two changes must be guided by science and technology. The nature of “primary productive force” of science and technology is manifested in its objective character and its position and function in the productive forces. Its guiding role is manifested in that science and technology, through the surplus of proliferative value, changing the organic composition, promoting the period of fluctuation and increasing the production function and Input-output rate to guide the economic growth and intensive degree of content to make the growth mode can be changed, but also through optimizing the allocation of resources, changing market structure, creating demand for production, promote circulation and guide the development and growth of the market system so that the economy can be change. At the same time, changes in the industrial structure, the enterprise system and the choice of product strategy will also serve as intermediaries to strengthen the coordinated development of science and technology, economic growth and the market system.
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西安事变后,张学良被长期囚禁。杨虎城先被逼出国,后被捕入狱。1949年5月6日,被蒋介石杀害于重庆。同时被杀的还有杨虎城的挚友、共产党员宋绮云等人。 一 传闻,宋绮云是杨
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