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张吕萍,1955年出生在一个军人家庭。她当过多年文艺兵,转业后在商海打拼,曾有资产上千万。自1991年开始收养流浪、被遗弃的小动物,截止目前共救助400多只小动物。2004年4月28日在北京小汤山创建“北京人与动物环保科普中心”。“英国皇家反对虐待动物协会”(RSPCA)与其建立姐妹组织关系,张吕萍被国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)授予“动物保护杰出人物”。2005年,张吕萍获得联合国“全球千名妇女争夺诺贝尔和平奖”的提名。现今张吕萍仍继续着动物保护事业,并在为保护动物福利立法而奔走。 Zhang Lvping, born in 1955 in a military family. After many years as a literary soldier, she worked hard in the commercial sea after her career. She has had tens of millions of assets. Since 1991, stray and abandoned animals have been adopted, so far more than 400 animals have been bailed out. April 28, 2004 in Beijing Xiaotang Mountain to create “Beijing human and animal environmental science center.” The British Royal Society Against Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has established sister organizations with him and Zhang Lvping is awarded the “Animal Protection Outstanding Personality” by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). In 2005, Zhang Lvping was nominated by the United Nations as the “Nobel Peace Prize for 1,000 Women Worldwide.” Zhang Lvping is still continuing the animal protection business, and running for the protection of animal welfare legislation.