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一截至一九五二年十二月十九日止,越南全国人民的反侵略战争已经历整整六个年头了。在这期间,诚如胡志明主席在越南全国抗战六周年纪念日致全国人民书中所说的:“我们一天比一天强大了,敌人却一天比一天削弱了。”敌我力量的对比,表现着越南人民军已日益获得更多的有利条件和取得了巨大的胜利。自从一九四六年十二月十九日越南全国抗战爆发以来,法国侵略军已损失了二十四万有生力量,其军队的质量也大大减低了。法国“远征军”中最精锐的欧非部队的成份,已自百分之九十降至百分之三十五。干部的培养与弥补赶不上浩大的消耗。法军不得已只好将它重新整编,原来拥有五六个指挥官的连队,现在只有两三个指挥官了。法军的後备力量也受到很大的限制,其军队士气愈来愈低落。自一九五○年中越边境战役之後,法军在北部战场上完全失去了主动地位。许多法军占领的地区正受着越南人民军愈来愈强大的威胁,越南 For a total of six years until December 19, 1952, the anti-aggression war by the entire Vietnamese people has gone through six years. During this period, just as President Ho Chi Minh said to the people throughout the nation on the anniversary of the Vietnam National Anti-Japanese War, “As we grow stronger day by day, our enemies weakened day by day.” The contrast between the enemy’s forces and the performance of Vietnam The People’s Army has increasingly gained more favorable conditions and achieved great victories. Since the outbreak of the national anti-Japanese war on December 19, 1946, the French invasion forces have lost 240,000 viable forces and the quality of their armed forces has also been greatly reduced. The composition of the most elitist of the French expeditionary force, the European and African forces, has dropped from 90% to 35%. The training of cadres and catch up with the vast consumption. The French army was forced to reorganize it. The original team of 56 commanders now had only two or three commanders. The reserve force of the French military has also been greatly limited, and its military morale is getting lower and lower. Since the Sino-Vietnamese border campaign in 1950, the French have completely lost their initiative in the northern battlefield. Many French-occupied areas are under increasing threat from the Vietnamese People’s Army, Vietnam
Free radicals, which are generated in several biochemical reactions in the body, have been implicated as mediators of many diseases, including cancer, atheroscl
从一株红树林木果楝属植物内生真菌Trichoderma sp.Xy24中分离得到3个化合物,包括一个Harziane二萜harzianone(1),一个菖蒲烷型倍半萜醇trichoacorenol (2)以及一个具有完全