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一、仪器误差和读数误差 1.仪器误差:由于仪器设计和制作时引入的系统误差。如测量仪器的刻度线不准,天平两臂不严格相等等。仪器误差的大小通常由仪器的制造和计量部门给出。并注明在仪器的铭牌上或仪器技术说明书上。例如中学物理实验中的电表其刻度盘上有2.5符号。它表示电表的准确度是2.5级,其意义是在规定的使用条件下最大绝对误差不超过满刻度的2.5%。它的仪器误差=量程×表的准确度。如准确度为2.5级、量程为0.6A的直流安培表,其仪器最大绝对误差=0.6A×2.5%=0.015A。 2.读数误差:由于观测者读数引入的误差。读数误差与测量仪器的刻度和观测者的分辨能力有关。例如毫米刻度尺,其分度值为1毫米,若观测者能分辨分度值的1/10 First, the instrument error and reading error 1. Instrument error: due to the instrument design and production system errors introduced. If the scale of the measuring instrument is not accurate, the two arms of the balance are not strict and so on. The size of the instrument error is usually given by the instrument’s manufacturing and metrology department. And indicate on the instrument’s nameplate or instrument specification. For example, an electric meter in a middle school physics experiment has 2.5 symbols on its dial. It means that the accuracy of the meter is 2.5, which means that the maximum absolute error does not exceed 2.5% of the full scale under the specified conditions of use. Its instrument error = range × table accuracy. If the accuracy is 2.5 and the range is 0.6A DC ammeter, the maximum absolute error of the instrument is 0.6A×2.5%=0.015A. 2. Reading error: due to the error introduced by the observer readings. The reading error is related to the scale of the measuring instrument and the resolving power of the observer. For example, for a millimeter scale, the scale is 1 millimeter, if the observer can distinguish 1/10 of the scale
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指数概念从正整数指数推广到有理数指数,是深入学习指数运算的需要.本文拟从三个方面谈谈指数概念推广以后应注意些什么. 一、注意正确理解概念 1.明确指数概念推广的背景及