七月流火,榴花烧霞。正当本刊以“束发”少年的“不更事”的稚气,汗流浃背地在严肃文学的一方净土上继续堆沙弄瓦之际,南戴河的碧浪传来佳音:第二届华北“十佳期刊”评选揭晓,本刊以全票高分荣膺“十佳”之冠。这消息,好赖教人庆幸物欲的潮流毕竟没有把金色滩头的童心之梦完全淹没。 一年前,伍立杨写《〈名作欣赏〉十三年》,说“近年来经济消费日炽,大家都在红尘深处翻滚,只想赚更多的钱,却不知怎样来繁荣和促进文化生活,
July flow fire, Liuhua burning Xia. Just as the magazine published the juvenile “non-demerit” childishness of “hair straightening” and perseveringly swept aside the solemn soil of serious literature, Journal “award was announced, the magazine won the highest score with” Top Ten “crown. This news, good to teach people glad that the tide of materialism, after all, did not completely submerge the dream of innocence of the golden beach. A year ago, Wu Liyang wrote ”Thirteen Years of Masterpieces Appreciation.“ He said: ”In recent years, with the advent of economic growth, everyone is tumbling in the depths of red earth, just wanting to make more money but do not know how to prosper and promote cultural life,