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关于在数学教学中调动学生学习积极性的问题,是减轻学生学习负担提高教学质量的一个关键性问题,以往我在教学中注意不够重视不足,并错误的认为学生的学习质量是教师逼出来的。学习数学就是要多作题,作多了就熟了,熟能生巧。平时给学生布置的题多,加重了学生的负担,后果不好。教改以来,反复学习了“矛盾论”,“实践论”。毛主席在“矛盾论”中指出:“外因是事物变化的条件,内因是变化的依据,外因是通过内因而起作用的。”“事物发展的根本原因不是事物的外部,而是事物的内部,在于事物内部的矛盾性。”这两段话给我的教育很大,使我进一步明确了在教学中调动学生学习积极性这一问题的根本含义和重要作用。一、在讲解新知识前,必须向学生说明为什么要学,学了有什么用。过去在教学中只注意了教材的科学性、系统性、严谨性等方面。却严重忽视了教学方法的改进。课堂上讲的多,练的少,学生往往方向不明,只是跟着教师跑,感到被动,积极性不高。为了改变这种局面,教改以来,我们经常向学生进行学习目的的教育。在每一门 The question of mobilizing students’ enthusiasm for learning in mathematics teaching is a key issue to lighten students’ learning burden and improve teaching quality. In the past, I paid insufficient attention to the lack of pedagogy and mistakenly believed that the quality of students’ learning was forced by the teacher. To learn mathematics is to make more questions, make more familiar, and practice makes perfect. The questions that are usually given to the students are more, which increases the burden on the students and the consequences are not good. Since the education reform, he has repeatedly studied the “paradox” and “theory of practice.” Chairman Mao pointed out in his “Theory of Contradiction”: “External factors are the conditions for the changes of things, internal causes are the basis for changes, and external causes work through the inside.” "The fundamental reason for the development of things is not the external of things, but the internal of things. It lies in the internal contradictions of things.” These two paragraphs gave me great education, which made me further clarify the fundamental meaning and important role of mobilizing students’ enthusiasm for learning in teaching. First, before explaining new knowledge, students must explain why they have to learn and what they have learned. In the past, only the teaching materials were scientific, systematic, and rigorous. However, it has seriously neglected the improvement of teaching methods. There are many lectures in class, and there are few people practicing. Students often have unknown directions. They just follow the teachers and feel passive and enthusiasm. In order to change this situation, we have often educated students on learning objectives since the education reform. At each door
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