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“城市画廊”的创办人——麦太,是从一位专业设计师变成为画廊的主人。她认为当个设计师,要客人百分之百满意是很难的,而且设计会过时落伍,会被淘汰,办画廊则是另一回事。麦太笑说:“当时不太懂,认为办画廊,作品不会过时,又不需要存货,但事实竟相反,作品竟也有时限。”她笑一笑再说:“当然出色的作品便没确这问题,但画廊内必须收藏着一定数量的杰作。” 麦太从前曾在中国大陆居住了一段日子,所以,城市画廊展出的作家作品,都是清一色的中国画家,分别只在于一些是住在国内,另一些是旅居海外的画家。 原料为纸本,采用中西各种资料如中国彩、塑股彩、粉彩等等。画作以山水乡村风景,人物等为主而全部都为创作画,既有传统技法,又有丰富的画面,风格极为清新,各 The founder of City Gallery, Matthew, was transformed from a professional designer to a gallery owner. She thinks it is hard to be a designer and 100% satisfied with guests, and the design will be obsolete and obsolete, and the gallery will be another. Mrs. McLaughlin said: “I did not quite understand it at that time. I think it would not be obsolete and there would be no need for inventory. But in fact the opposite was true.” She laughed and said: “Of course, this is not a good work. But there must be a certain number of masterpieces in the gallery. ”Mai Tai had lived in mainland China for some time, so the works of the artists exhibited in City Gallery were all Chinese painters, In China, others are painters living abroad. Raw materials for the paper, using a variety of Chinese and Western materials such as China Color, plastic stock color, pastel and so on. Painting landscapes and rural landscapes, characters and other mainly for the creation of all paintings, both traditional techniques, but also a wealth of images, the style is extremely fresh, each
取1980~1989年间在我国沿海进行星虫动物区系调查的标本和有关资料做了整理、鉴定,共39种,分隶于2纲,4目,6科,12属。其中1种在我国为首次记录。 A total of 39 species were
The determinant role of upwelling in fine sediment patches is examined from the viewpoints of physical process and biological process respectively. It is pointe