Anatomical characterization of central, apical and minimal corneal thickness

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maybeen
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·AIM: To anatomically locate the points of minimum corneal thickness and central corneal thickness(pupil center) in relation to the corneal apex.·METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional study, 299 healthy volunteers. Thickness at the corneal apex(AT),minimum corneal thickness(MT) and corneal thickness at the pupil center(PT) were determined using the pentacam. Distances from the corneal apex to MT(MD)and PT(PD) were calculated and their quadrant position(taking the corneal apex as the reference) determined:point of minimum thickness(MC) and point of central thickness(PC) depending on the quadrant position. Two multivariate linear regression models were constructed to examine the influence of age, gender, power of the flattest and steepest corneal axes, position of the flattest axis, corneal volume(determined using the Pentacam)and PT on MD and PD. The effects of these variables on MC and PC were also determined in two multinomial regression models.·RESULTS: MT was located at a mean distance of 0.909 mm from the apex(79.4% in the inferior-temporal quadrant). PT was located at a mean distance of 0.156 mm from the apex. The linear regression model for MD indicated it was significantly influenced by corneal volume(B =-0.024; 95% CI:-0.043 to-0.004). No significant relations were identified in the linear regression model for PD or the multinomial logisticregressions for MC and PC.·CONCLUSION: MT was typically located at the inferiortemporal quadrant of the cornea and its distance to the corneal apex tended to decrease with the increment of corneal volume. · AIM: To anatomically locate the points of minimum corneal thickness and central corneal thickness (pupil center) in relation to the corneal apex. · METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional study, 299 healthy volunteers. Thickness at the corneal apex (AT), Minimum corneal thickness (MT) and corneal thickness at the pupil center (PT) were determined using the pentacam. Distances from the corneal apex to MT (MD) and PT (PD) were calculated and their quadrant position (taking the corneal apex as the reference: determined of point thickness (MC) and point of central thickness (PC) depending on the quadrant position. Two multivariate linear regression models were constructed to examine the influence of age, gender, power of the flattest and steepest corneal axes, position of the flattest axis, corneal volume (determined using the Pentacam) and PT on MD and PD. The effects of these variables on MC and PC were also determined in two multinomial regression models. The distance was 0.909 mm from the apex (79.4% in the inferior-temporal quadrant). PT was located at a mean distance of 0.156 mm from the apex. The linear regression model for MD showed it was significantly influenced by corneal volume (B = - 0.024; 95% CI: -0.043 to-0.004). No significant relations were identified in the linear regression model for PD or the multinomial logisticregressions for MC and PC. CONCLUSION: MT was typically located at the inferiorteoral quadrant of the cornea and its distance to the corneal apex tended to decrease with the increment of corneal volume.
常有年轻的白领朋友问我有没有快速消除眼睛疲劳的办法。说来也是,公司的白领们日常的工作很多都是一整天面对电脑,时间长了,眼睛不疲劳才怪。  中医有“五劳七伤”之说:久视伤血,久卧伤气,久坐伤肉,久立伤骨,久行伤筋。这“久视伤血”就是说眼睛疲劳会引起的后果,久视最终伤到的是血,它不仅仅是眼睛疲劳这么简单。  如果长时间在电脑前工作,双眼不仅会疲劳,时间久了还会引起视力下降。在中医理论里,肝开窍于目,肝