1972年,我国第一台机器人在上海诞生并展出。光阴荏苒,30年已经过去了。 有观点认为20世纪70年代是我国机器人的萌芽期。而中国机器人最迅猛的发展则是在863计划启动后。篇幅所限,我们无法全面回顾中国机器人30年来的成败甘甜,只好在这里略谈一谈863计划以后,中国机器人的几项重要成果,以期管中窥豹之效。
In 1972, China’s first robot was born and exhibited in Shanghai. Time flies, 30 years have passed. The view that the 20th century, 70’s is the embryonic period of our robot. The most rapid development of China’s robots is the 863 program started. Due to limited space, we can not fully review the successes and failures of Chinese robots over the past 30 years. We have to briefly talk about some important achievements made by the Chinese robots after the 863 Plan in the hope of controlling the jigsaws.