
来源 :黑龙江史志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacklong1234
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建国以来,我国世界史在理论体系甚或辞句上都照抄苏联。近十几年,在理论上虽有一定突破,如有整体史观、全球史观等西方舶来品,但从来不敢大胆地抛弃苏联已过时的东西。苏联世界史理论体系的构建可以说是以阐释十月革命为核心的。因此,本文聚焦于苏联十月革命著作史,无疑能更深刻地了解苏联的世界史甚或整个历史学理论与历史事实的炮制内幕,也能对目前我国世界史理论体系有个较清醒的认识。 Since the founding of the People’s Republic, the history of the world in our country has copied the Soviet Union under the theoretical system or even on the rhetoric. In the past decade or so, despite some breakthroughs in theory, such as the overall historical view and the global historical view, it has never dared to boldly abandon the outdated things of the Soviet Union. The construction of the theoretical system of world history in the Soviet Union can be said to interpret the October Revolution as the core. Therefore, focusing on the history of the Soviet Union in the October Revolution, this article undoubtedly provides a deeper understanding of the concocted world history of the Soviet Union or even the entire historical theory and historical facts. It can also give a sober understanding of the theoretical system of world history in our country.
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