The Late Ordovician Wufengian Sediments and the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary in Western Zhejiang Pro

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhyh001
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The Late Ordovician Wufengian sediments in western Zhejiang include three facies: 1) graptolite shale facies, composed of two parts--the upper part the Yankou Formation, with the Diplograplus bohemicus(graptolite) zone and Dalmanitina sp.(trilobite), and the lower part the yuqian Formation with four graptolite zones:(4) the Paraorthograptus yuqianensis zone,(3) the Climacograptus venustus zone,(2) the Dicellograptus szechuanensis zone and(1) the Pseudoclimacograptus anhuiensis zone; 2) mixed facies, consisting of the Wenchang Formation in its upper part and the Changwu Formation in its lower; and 3) shelly limestone facies, whose upper and lower parts are separately the Wenchang Formation and Sanjushan Formation, containing Taeniolites, Proheliolites, etc. In this region the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia bed is well exposed,and Da. and H. are associated with Diplograptus bohemicus, belonging to the late Late Ordovician.The Ordovician-Silurian boundary is drawn as follows:(1) for the graptolite facies, it lies between the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and Glyptograptus persculptus zone;(2) for the graptolite-sheny limestone facies(brachiopod fauna), it is placed between the top of the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and the base of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna; and 3) for the shelly facies(brachiopod fauna), it is drawn between the top of the horizon with the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia fauna and thebase of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna. The Late Ordovician Wufengian sediments in western Zhejiang include three facies: 1) graptolite shale facies, composed of two parts - the upper part the Yankou Formation, with the Diplograplus bohemicus (graptolite) zone and Dalmanitina sp. (Trilobite), and the lower (2) the Dicellograptus szechuanensis zone and (1) the Pseudoclimacograptus anhuiensis zone; (2) mixed facies, consisting of the Wenchang Formation in its upper part and the Changwu Formation in its lower; and 3) shelly limestone facies, whose upper and lower parts are separately the Wenchang Formation and Sanjushan Formation, containing Taeniolites, Proheliolites, etc. In this region the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia bed is well exposed, and Da. and H. are associated with Diplograptus bohemicus, belonging to the late Late Ordovician. Ordovician-Silurian boundary is drawn as: (1) for the graptolite facies, it lies between the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and Glyptograptus persculptus zone; (2) for the graptolite-sheny limestone facies (brachiopod fauna), it is placed between the top of the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and the base of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna ; and 3) for the shelly facies (brachiopod fauna), it is drawn between the top of the horizon with the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia fauna and the base of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna.
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