
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiancejiangjun
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为了解云南省本地儿童和流动儿童口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)的免疫状况,在5个地区(市、州)进行了OPV强化免疫快速评估及相关调查。结果显示流动儿童OPV的免疫状况与本地儿童有较大差距:①本地儿童和流动儿童在免疫服务机构的选择上有明显差别,本地儿童接受OPV免疫主要通过乡村医生入户(常规免疫5981%,强化免疫5852%),流动儿童则主要是通过临时服苗点(强化免疫5921%)、县(区、市)卫生防疫站(常规免疫2601%)等,两者差异有显著的统计学意义(χ2=52967,P<0001);②既往服苗史,流动儿童OPV≥3剂次儿童的比例(4150%)比本地儿童(6220%)低,而零剂次免疫儿童的比例(2404%)较本地儿童(1164%)高;③流动儿童两轮OPV强化免疫服苗率(7259%、7377%)比本地儿童(8924%、8885%)低;④来自省外的流动儿童OPV≥3剂次服苗率(3220%)低于来自省内的流动儿童(4378%);⑤流动儿童随着在本地居住时间的延长,零剂次免疫儿童的比例逐渐减少,OPV≥3剂次服苗率逐渐增加。分析提示,流动儿童的OPV免疫存在较多薄弱环节和问题,仍然是今后消灭脊髓灰质炎工作的重点和难点,需进一步采取针对性措施加以改进和加强。 To investigate the immune status of oral polio vaccine (OPV) for local children and migrant children in Yunnan Province, rapid assessment of OPV intensified immunity and related investigations were carried out in five regions (cities and prefectures). The results showed that there was a big gap between the immunization status of migrant children and that of local children. (1) There was a significant difference in the selection of immunization service between local children and migrant children. Local children received OPV mainly through village doctors (5981% 5852%), while the floating children mainly passed the temporary service point (5921%), the health and epidemic prevention station (2601% of routine immunization) in county (district, city), etc. There was significant difference between the two groups (2) 52967, P <0001). ② The proportion of migrant children with OPV≥3 dose (4150%) was lower than that of local children (6220%), while the proportion of children with zero dose immunization (7259%, 7377%) were lower than those of local children (8924%, 8885%); (4) OPV≥3 from floating children outside the province (3220%) was lower than that of migrant children from the province (4378%); (5) The proportion of children with zero-dose immunization gradually decreased with the increase of residence time in floating children. The rate of OPV≥3 Gradually increase the rate. The analysis suggests that there are many weak links and problems in the OPV immunization of migrant children, which is still the key and difficult point for polio eradication in the future and needs to be further improved and strengthened with targeted measures.
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