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任何一个国家,为了扶持本国经济的发展,使本国人民在经济发展中获得最大利益,都非常重视产业安全问题。我国作为一个发展中的大国,同世界经济的联系日益密切,为了在激烈的国际竞争中趋利避害,增强竞争能力,尤其要重视产业安全问题。纵观世界各国发展的历史,有的国家能抓住机遇,迅速步入现代化行列;有的国家经济危机频繁发生,发展缓慢,无不与能否有效维护产业安全密切相关。当前重视和研究产业安全问题,决不是空穴来风、杞人忧天,而是摆在我们面前非常现实的突出问题,必须给予高度重视。只有对产业安全保持高度的警戒,认真研究有关对策并付诸实施,才能防患于未然, In any country, in order to support the development of its own economy and enable its own people to gain the maximum benefit from economic development, they attach great importance to the issue of industrial security. As a large developing country, China has an increasingly close relationship with the world economy. In order to reduce its profits and increase its competitiveness in the fierce international competition, China attaches great importance to the issue of industrial security. Looking at the history of the development of various countries in the world, some countries can seize the opportunity and quickly move into the ranks of modernization. In some countries, economic crises occur frequently and are developing at a slow pace. They are all closely related to the effective maintenance of industrial security. At present, attention and study on industrial safety issues are by no means groundless and unfounded. They must be given prominence to the very real and prominent problems before us. Only when we keep a high degree of vigilance on industrial safety and seriously study relevant measures and put them into effect can we take preventive measures,
The influence of the concentration of Zn2+ ions on zinc electroplating process was investigated by means of electrochemical noise (EN) and cyclic voltammetry me
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