七年磨砺 成就佳品——《八大山人全集》编辑出版纪实

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《八大山人全集》(以下简称《全集》)由江西美术出版社于2000年底出版以来,在国内外美术史界产生了积极的反响。时隔一年后,这部举全社之力、甚至是海内外美术界之力的《全集》获得了第五届国家图书奖。在八大山人诞辰380周年之际,回想编辑出版《全集》的经历,感慨良多。我们因 Since the publication of the “Badashanren Complete Works” (hereinafter referred to as the “Complete Works”) by the Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House at the end of 2000, it has had a positive response in the art world both at home and abroad. A year later, the “Complete Works”, which gave the power of the whole community and even the power of the fine arts at home and abroad, won the Fifth National Book Award. In the 380th anniversary of the birth of the Badasan, recalling the compilation and publication of “Complete Works” experience, feeling a lot. Because of us
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