
来源 :应用力学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zw975526
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利用OpenSees有限元软件,将抽柱法与有限元法相结合;并假定构件的局部失效位置,通过引入不同的结构参数,如结构的层数、层高、跨度等,分析了其对结构倒塌响应的影响;研究了结构在静力Pushdown分析和动力非线性分析条件下的结构倒塌响应特性。结果表明:柱失效位置对结构的静力Pushdown分析和动力非线性分析结果有较大影响,其中边柱的失效导致结构的抗倒塌能力明显降低,并在地震作用下随着失效点位移加大,振动规律也趋于不稳定;结构的极限承载力随着框架结构层数的增加而增加,极限位移和延性则随着层数的增加而降低,动力加载条件下结构失效位置的竖向位移随着层数的增加而增大;随着层高的增加,结构的极限承载力则逐渐降低,但对结构极限位移和延性的影响并不明显;跨度的增加使结构的极限承载力明显下降,延性略有降低,但极限位移和初始刚度却随之增加。以上规律性研究结果为钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗倒塌设计提供了必要的依据。 OpenSees finite element software is used to combine the drawing method with the finite element method. Assuming the local failure position of the component, different structure parameters, such as the number of layers, the height and the span of the structure, The structural collapse response of the structure under static Pushdown analysis and dynamic nonlinear analysis is studied. The results show that the location of column failure has a great influence on the results of static Pushdown analysis and dynamic nonlinear analysis of the structure. The failure of the side columns results in a significant reduction of the collapse resistance of the structure, and as the displacement of the failure point increases under the earthquake , The vibration law also tends to be unstable. The ultimate bearing capacity of the structure increases with the increase of the number of the frame structure, and the ultimate displacement and ductility decrease with the increase of the number of layers. The vertical displacement of the structural failure position under dynamic loading With the increase of layer number, the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure decreases gradually with the increase of story height, but the effect on the ultimate displacement and ductility of the structure is insignificant. The increase of span increases the ultimate bearing capacity of the structure obviously , The ductility slightly decreases, but the ultimate displacement and the initial stiffness increase. The results of the above regularity provide the necessary basis for the anti-collapse design of reinforced concrete frame structure.
作者在导言中指出治疗霉菌的有效药物有下列几种:碘化物、芳香双脒类(Aromatische Diamidine)、制霉菌素、两性霉素B(Amphotericin B)、5-氟胞嘧啶、(Fluocytosine)、汉霉素
多家媒体近日报道称,不少年轻家长在网络上为年幼的孩子“占位”——抢先为孩子注册QQ号码、开通微博等,一来,是帮孩子记录成长过程,二来,是让孩子“不输在网络起跑线上”——等孩子长大到自己会用网络时,就可拥有众多粉丝和骄人的“经验值”了。  受“不能输在起跑线上”观点的影响,不少年轻家长表现出一种“急吼吼”的功利化追求。孩子学什么、玩什么,家长要提供什么,很多人并非从孩子的兴趣爱好出发,而是四处打听,