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民国时期,中国工程界对于创立自主汽车工业有过各种构想,随着知识的积累而在1940年代末达到学理上的巅峰;民国工程界普遍将汽车视为生产工具和武器装备,其创立自主汽车工业的构想系由强烈的民族主义动因促发;创立自立汽车工业的民族主义的各种构想关注资本来源、技术引进等问题,并对苏联的由国家主导、采取计划手段的汽车工业发展方式表示推崇,其中何乃民提出的“依靠外资,必受外人牵制”的观点,孟少农1948年提出的《建立中国汽车工业的初步计划》等为1949年后中国汽车工业的创建路径做了理论思想上的准备。 During the period of the Republic of China, the Chinese engineering community had various ideas for the establishment of an autonomous automobile industry. With the accumulation of knowledge, it reached its peak in theory in the late 1940s. The Republic of China engineering generally regarded the automobile as a production tool and weaponry, and its founding autonomy The idea of ​​the automobile industry was motivated by a strong nationalist motive. Various nationalist ideas of establishing a self-supporting automobile industry focused on such issues as the source of capital and the introduction of technology. In addition, the Soviet Union’s state-led and planned approach to the development of the automobile industry Expressed respected, which He Minimin put forward “relying on foreign capital, to be controlled by outsiders ” point of view, Meng Shaonong’s “Preliminary Plan for Establishing China’s Auto Industry” put forward in 1948 and so on made the theoretical thought for the founding path of China’s auto industry after 1949 Preparation on the
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