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修改后的《档案法》最显著的特点,是适应新形势下档案事业发展的客观需要,加大了档案行政管理部门的执法力度,赋予其行政处罚的职能和权力,使《档案法》更具有操作性,从而保证了《档案法》的有效施行。但是在具体执法过程中,存在着这样一种现象:一味加强对档案违法行为当事人的查处,而忽视了追究档案行政机关对违法当事人施行行政处罚不当时所承担的法律责任问题。对此,笔者认为,其主要原因在于档案行政机关在施行档案行政处罚时对设定承担的法律责任认识不清,不知道追究行政处罚法律责任是整个 The most prominent feature of the revised “Archives Law” is to meet the objective needs of the development of archives in the new situation. It has strengthened the law enforcement efforts of archival administrative departments and given them the functions and powers of administrative punishment so that the “Archives Law” Operability, thus ensuring the “Archives Act” effective implementation. However, in the specific process of law enforcement, there is such a phenomenon: blindly step up the investigation and handling of parties involved in the file of illegal acts, and neglect the legal responsibility of file administrative organs in assuming the improper administrative penalties imposed on the illegal parties. In this regard, I believe that the main reason is that the file administrative agencies in the implementation of the file administrative penalties for the assumption of legal responsibility to assume unclear, do not know the prosecution of administrative penalties is the entire legal responsibility
第一条为加强中央与地方共建高等学校共建专项资金的申请、分配、使用、管理和监督,提高资金使用效益,根据有关财政预算专项资金管理规定,制定本办法。 Article 1 These Me
由于俄罗斯宇航局据理 争取,蒂托终于要实规太空旅游了。激动的心情2001年4月中旬,蒂托在接受路透社采访时说:“我的这趟太空之行经受了多次挫折,但好在现在看来我已度过了这些困难,我
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两匹马各拉一辆大车。前面的一匹走得很好,而后面的一匹常常停下来。于是主人就把后面一辆车上的货挪到前面一辆车上去。等到后面那辆车上 Two horses each pulled a cart.
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女友特爱吃水果,一次和女友往家走,她非要买几斤苹果带回去,我说别买了,家里不是还有桔子么。没想到她竟回了一句特噎人的话:“桔子能吃出苹果味儿来吗?” The girlfriend l
泽涸,蛇将徙,有小蛇谓大蛇曰:“子行而我随之,人以为蛇之行者耳,必有杀子。不如相衔负我以行,人以我为神君①也。”乃相衔负以越公道②,人皆避之,曰:神君也。 Ze Kui, the s
1979年秋,在县中语文教研组长汪桐老师的领导下,语文组的老师们办起了一份油印小报,他们给她起了个满怀欣喜与期盼的名字——“新绿”。 In the autumn of 1979, under the