
来源 :实用癌症杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hakbin
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患者女性,42岁。因胸痛、活动后气短、咳嗽1年于1991年7月15日入院。查体:表浅淋巴结不肿大,气管左移,右侧胸廓隆起,右锁骨中线第二肋间以下,腋中、后线第四肋间以下叩诊呈浊音,呼吸音减弱。心浊音界左移,达腋前线。胸部X线片:右侧第二前肋以下有均匀致密影,上、后缘界限清楚,占据前、中纵隔,呈椭圆形块影。CT片:右侧胸腔内12cm×15cm×16cm巨大混杂密度肿块,包膜完整,纵隔内脏器左移。诊断:巨大纵隔畸胎瘤。于7月26日经右后外侧切口第六肋床进胸,术中见肿瘤与胸壁紧密粘连,以肋面和膈面粘连最紧密,约13cm×15cm×17cm大小,肿瘤呈分隔多房样,内含大量 Female patient, 42 years old. He was admitted to hospital on July 15, 1991 for chest pain, shortness of breath and coughing for 1 year. Examination: superficial lymph nodes are not swollen, trachea left, right thoracic bulge, right clavicle midline below the second intercostal space, in the middle and back of the fourth intercostal space below the percussion was dull, breath sounds weakened. The voiced voice sector shifted to the left and reached the front line. Chest X-ray film: There is a uniform and dense shadow on the right second front rib, and the boundary between the upper and the posterior edges is clear. It occupies the anterior and mediastinum and shows an oval block shadow. CT piece: 12cm × 15cm × 16cm huge mixed-density mass in the right thoracic cavity with complete capsule and medial visceral organ left. Diagnosis: Huge mediastinal teratoma. On July 26th, the sixth ribbed bed was inserted into the chest through the right posterolateral incision. During the operation, the tumor was tightly attached to the chest wall. The rib and the palpebral surface were most closely adherent. The size was approximately 13cm×15cm×17cm. The tumor was separated and multi-roomed. , contains a lot of
本文报道18例资料较全的浆膜积液恶性肿瘤涂片。 1 方法与结果 1.1 方法:送检标本100~200ml,将上部液体轻轻倒去收集底部沉淀离心,将沉淀物推片,涂片应厚薄均匀,并在来干之前
不相信主流,不相信非主流用传统颠覆个性我是中国人,我要引领中国潮复古风振荡太原,随09年中国元素的逐步升温,来自“物质小姐”的第一批中国传统风格包包, I do not believ
文献报道,卵巢转移癌的原发灶80%来源于胃肠癌,91.3%来自胃癌。为提请外科医生对女性胃癌病人治疗的注意,现将我院近年收治的胃癌并卵巢转移癌10例作一报告。1 临床资料本组
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