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郑板桥是著名的“扬州八怪”之一,除了丹青之外,他的诗文成就也很高。从其《贺新郎·述诗二首》可以看出,该词的最大特点就是开创了以词论诗的独特形式,表达了其经世致用的诗教观点。 Zheng Banqiao is famous “Yangzhou Baicai ” one, in addition to Danqing, his poetry achievement is also high. It can be seen from its “novel of the bridegroom poem” that the most prominent feature of the word is that it opens up the unique poetic expression of Ci poetry and expresses its poetic teaching point of view.
【美联社索菲亚2002年11月27日电】 保加利亚和斯洛伐克将通过制定统一标准和加强对武器贸易的控制来共同改进各自的国防工业。两国均已被邀请加入北大西洋公约组织(NATO)。
It is well known that vanadium alloy will face to strong neutron irradiation and hydrogen environments as a structural material in a fusion reactor. Some resea
1. IntroductionHeating ion of p1asma is one of the main purposesin the field of controlled nuclear fusion, nowadayshigh-power NBI is recognized as an effective
Recently, to save the current drive power and to obtain more favorable confinement merit for a tokamak reactor, large fraction of bootstrap current sustained e
1 反应堆运行时间和释放能量 反应堆运行功率为7.0~7.4MW,安全运行4082h,总释放能量为1179.32MW·d。每月运行情况列于表1。 1 reactor run time and release of energy rea
CARR导流箱是堆本体结构的重要部件,位于堆水池中水面以下约10 m处,主回路冷却剂管道直接与其相连,底部支撑堆芯容器的上端,上盖板组件上固定有19根垂直孔道和2根安全棒导管