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洛里·哈蒙兹曾是家乡小镇邓莫尔的选美皇后,为实现自己的明星梦,她抛下男友只身闯荡好莱坞,却被骗进入了色情电影行业。后来,她终于看透名利,毅然回到家乡,与儿时好友凯茜开了一家小店,想过上平静、安定的生活。然而,过去的那段日子似乎是她永远无法摆脱的阴影。九年后的一天,她收到了一封恐吓信,信中警告她要抓紧时间祷告,请求主宽恕她的罪过。其实,洛里也明白自己在邓莫尔街坊邻居心目中的印象。收到第一封恐吓信时,她原以为这只是有人在恶作剧,随手将信扔进了垃圾桶。但紧接着又收到了第二封信,内容与第一封如出一辙。洛里终于相信有人真的要杀她。她想向警方求助,但现任治安官迈克·伯基特就是被她抛弃的初恋男友。迈克认为这是她臆想出来的荒唐理由,目的是想与他重修旧好。不巧的是,好友凯茜和其丈夫杰克外出度蜜月了,洛里走投无路,只好去找了杰克的妹妹玛莉娅。玛莉娅是鲍威尔私人侦信社的一名经验丰富的调查员,她立即意识到这不是一封简单的恐吓信。与此同时,侦信社又接到两起谋杀案的调查委托,在这些案件中,他们发现了惊人的相似之处,同样的恐吓信,同样的杀人手法…… Lori Hammonds was the beauty queen of Dunmore, his hometown town. In order to realize her dream of becoming a star, she dropped her boyfriend into Hollywood alone, but was tricked into the pornography industry. Later, she finally see through fame and fortune, decided to return home, and childhood friend Cathy opened a shop, wanted to live in peace and stability. However, the days of the past seem to be the shadow she will never get rid of. One day nine years later, she received a letter of intimidation warning her to pay close attention to time to pray and ask the Lord to forgive her sins. In fact, Lori also understand their own neighbors in Dunmore neighborhood minds the impression. When she received the first letter of intimidation, she thought it was just a prank that she readily dropped the letter into the trash. But then received a second letter, the same content and the first one. Lori finally believe that someone really want to kill her. She wanted to turn to the police for help, but the current magistrate, Mike Burkett, was her first boyfriend abandoned by her. Mike thinks this is the absurd reason she imagined, the purpose is to reconstitute with him. Unfortunately, friend Cathy and her husband Jack went out to spend a honeymoon, Lori desperate, had to find Jack’s sister Maria. An experienced investigator at Powell’s private agency, Marya immediately realized that it was not a simple letter of intimidation. In the meantime, the agency also received commissioned inquiries into two murders, in which they found striking similarities, the same threatening letters, the same killings ...
一、词语辨析在完型中的考点在此把词组辨析在完形填空中的考查主要分为:动词辨析、短语动词的辨析、名词辨析、形容词副词辨析、介词和其他词语的辨析。例如:Everyone has i
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