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针对一类非线性仿射系统的控制器设计问题,基于滑模变结构控制理论,提出一种新的控制器设计方法:滑模降阶方法.首先反复运用变结构控制理论对一类n阶的仿射非线性系统构造n-1个微分同胚变换函数和n-1个滑动流形,将初始系统降至一阶系统,并给出了变结构控制律;然后利用当前级与上一级控制输入的映射关系进行n-1次反推运算,即可得到初始系统的控制输入;最后通过仿真算例表明了所提出方法的有效性和可行性. Aiming at the controller design problem of a class of nonlinear affine system, a new controller design method is proposed based on sliding mode variable structure control theory: sliding mode reduction method. Firstly, variable structure control theory , An n-1 differential homeomorphic transformation function and n-1 sliding manifolds are constructed. The initial system is reduced to the first-order system, and the variable structure control law is given. Then, Level control input n-1 times the reverse mapping of the mapping relationship, you can get the initial control input system; Finally, the simulation shows that the proposed method is valid and feasible.
Forest management practices such as prescribed burning and thinning in forest ecosystems may alter the properties of soil organic matter(SOM). In this study, su
Preharvest aflatoxin contamination of grain grown on the US southeastern Coast Plain is provoked and aggravated by abiotic stress. The primary abiotic stress is
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60年前,中国工农红军在二万五千里长征途中,谱写了震惊中外的“爬雪山、过草地”的悲壮诗篇。 也许人们还不知道,就在这片神奇的雪山草地上,如今驻守着一支空军雷达兵部队。