深化改革 促进转换

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人保公司作为国家最大的国有保险企业,如何实现向国有商业性保险公司的转换,笔者就此结合昆明市分公司实践谈点看法。作为全国最大的保险公司,应勇于破除不适应市场经济的、阻碍新事物成长的旧观念、旧方式,改变“粗放型”的经营方式,勇于从“三制”改革入手,切实转换经营机制,率先走向市场。而当前要做好转换工作,就要抓住突破口,深化“三制”改革,面向市场调整结构,建立现代企业制度,最终实现向国有商业性保险公司的顺利转换。目前人保公司还存在一些不适应市场经济的现象,总根子在于不适应市场经济的经营机制本身,而制约经营机制转换的关键又在于人这一因素。众所周知,市场经济条件下的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争,“人保”要充分发挥出人才的潜能,除要经常加强思想政治 As the largest state-owned insurance enterprise of PICC, how to realize the transition to the state-owned commercial insurance company, the author combined the practice of Kunming Branch to talk about the views. As the largest insurance company in the country, we should have the courage to get rid of the old concepts and old ways that do not suit the market economy and hinder the growth of new things, and change the management mode of “extensive modesty.” We should bravely start with the reform of the “three systems.” Change the operating mechanism, the first to market. At present, to make the transition work, we must seize the breakthroughs, deepen the reform of the “three systems”, adjust the structure to the market, establish a modern enterprise system, and finally achieve the smooth transition to a state-owned commercial insurance company. At present, PICC still has some phenomena that are not suited to the market economy. The total root causes lie in the management mechanism that is not suitable for the market economy itself. The key factor that restricts the transformation of the operational mechanism lies in the factor of people. As we all know, competition under market economy is, in the final analysis, a competition for qualified personnel. “People’s Insurance” should give full play to the potential of qualified personnel. In addition to constantly strengthening ideological and political
为了促进果类生产的发展,使果类生产者的保险果树因遭受保险责任范围内的灾害事故造成收获量减收时,能够得到经济补偿,特举办本保险。 凡国营、集体农场,园艺场及专业户、联
稻纵卷叶螟Gnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée是水稻上重要的迁飞性害虫,本文运用时间序列对重庆市涪陵区1987~2006年稻纵卷叶螟第三代幼虫发生程度进行组配,运用模糊数学理论