The HIPERC Project:the Use of Nb for High Performance and Economy in Steel for Linepipe and General

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aniu88
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The HIPERC study was a European research project involving several steel companies and research organisations which examined the effects of alloying elements and processing conditions in low carbon (<0.09 wt %),niobium containing (0.05%-0.12 wt.%) steels.Laboratory-scale heats and pilot rolling trials simulating air and water-cooled plate production as well as hot-rolled strip production were made and the effects of C,Mn,Ni,Cu,Cr,Mo,Nb,Ti and B on transformation characteristics and temperatures of recrystallisation determined.Regression equations for the characterisation of microstructure,tensile and impact properties and for the weldability of these steels were derived.Steels were manufactured and processed into plate and coil-plate by three steel companies and pipe produced from both products.Properties from these,plus thicker plate for structural use,were determined and these compared well with the values predicted from the regression equations.The project has shown that excellent combinations of strength,toughness and weldability can be obtained for a wide variety of applications.Economic benefits were seen and recommendations on altering the limits for niobium in Euronorms have been proposed. The HIPERC study was a European research project involving several steel companies and research organizations dealing with the effects of alloying elements and processing conditions in low carbon (<0.09 wt%), niobium containing (0.05% -0.12 wt.%) Steels. Laboratory- scale heats and pilot rolling trials simulating air and water-cooled plate production as well as hot-rolled strip production were made and the effects of C, Mn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Mo, Nb, Ti and B on transformation characteristics and temperatures of recrystallization determined. Regression equations for the characterization of microstructure, tensile and impact properties and for the weldability of these steels were derived. Steels were manufactured and processed into plate and coil-plate by three steel companies and pipe produced from both products. Properties from these, plus thicker plate for structural use, were determined and these compared well with the values ​​predicted from the regression equations. The project has shown that excellent c ombinations of strength, toughness and weldability can be obtained for a wide variety of applications. Economic benefits were seen and recommendations on altering the limits for niobium in Euronorms have been proposed.
多虑平临床常用於精神分裂症的抑郁状态及其它忧郁症的治疗和抗焦虑。我科自1988年11月起将多虑平试用於治疗顽固性哮喘,共5例取得满意效果。 5例均为男性,年龄最大的58岁,
开国少将、原南京军区副政委、两度兼任湖北省委书记的张玉华将军,因病医治无效,于9月10日凌晨2:37在南京逝世,享年101周岁。  张玉华这个名字,你可能觉得陌生,但是提到2015年在纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵式上,张玉华坐在老战士方队的受阅車上,用被子弹打穿的右手敬了一个标准军礼的经典瞬间,你肯定记得。  军礼惊艳“9·3”阅兵 春晚最美男神  2015年9月3日,张玉华参加纪念中国人民抗日战争暨
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