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在北岭地震4周年之际,可以有把握地说地震并未结束。这不仅仅是因为余震的关系。如果今年秋季进展顺利,美国地震学家将至少用两个晚上的时间在圣费尔南多谷西侧和莫哈韦沙漠进行60次硝酸铵爆破,以证实被北岭地震动摇了的大量远景研究中最具争论的理论之一。一些科学... On the 4th anniversary of the Northridge earthquake, it can be safely said that the earthquake is not over. This is not just because of aftershocks. If autumn falls well, U.S. seismologists will carry out 60 ammonium nitrate explosions on the west side of the San Fernando Valley and the Mojave Desert for at least two nights in order to confirm that most of the long-term studies that were shaken by the Northling Earthquake One of the controversial theories. Some science ...
1997年5月29~30日,美国国家地震工程研究中心(NCEER)在加利福尼亚旧金山召开了“全国新建和现有公路设施地震地面运动专题讨论会”。该讨论会是由FHWA/NCEER公路项目赞助,GeomatrixConsultants的鲍尔(MauryPow... From 29 to 30 May 199
IntroductionOwingtothedevelopmentofnonlinearsciencessuchasfractaldynamics,chaoticdynamics,synergeticsscienceandothersciencein... IntroductionOwingtothedevelopmentofnonlinearsciencessuchasfractaldynamics, chaoticdynamics, synergeticsscienceandotherscience
The State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, affiliated to the Institute of Geochemistry (IGC), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), funded by the
In order to verify the properties of the light propagating through a gradient-index(GRIN) fibre probe for optical coherence tomography(OCT),numerical simulation
This paper presents a study of the major and trace element compositions of fresh mantle-derived spinel lherzolite and harzburgite inclusions from Cenozoic alka