
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laden167
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目的了解江苏省宿迁市骚扰阿蚊对常用杀虫剂的敏感性现状。方法采用浸渍法测定骚扰阿蚊宿迁种群对双硫磷、仲丁威、溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和氯菊酯的半数致死浓度(LC50),了解其敏感性情况。结果骚扰阿蚊宿迁种群对双硫磷、仲丁威、溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和氯菊酯的LC50分别为0.059 36、2.563 5、0.000 457 2、0.000 443 2和0.001 701 mg/L,是淡色库蚊敏感品系对相同杀虫剂LC50的148.40、10.13、0.35、0.12和0.06倍,是同一采集地淡色库蚊宿迁种群对相同杀虫剂LC50的7.24、2.68、0.21、0.09和0.11倍。结论骚扰阿蚊宿迁种群对有机磷类和氨基甲酸酯类的耐药性程度要高过同一生境同时采集的淡色库蚊宿迁种群,但对拟除虫菊酯类较淡色库蚊宿迁种群更为敏感;宿迁市骚扰阿蚊的防治应采取以环境治理为主,化学防治为辅的综合治理措施;非密度高发期、非蚊媒传染病暴发等重大事件发生期,强调蚊幼虫的防治重于成蚊的防治,且蚊幼虫防治首选拟除虫菊酯类化学杀虫剂或苏云金杆菌(Bt.)、球形芽孢杆菌(Bs.)等生物杀虫剂;当骚扰阿蚊成蚊高密度或蚊媒传染病暴发等重大事件发生时,应加强成蚊的化学防治,同时做到科学合理用药。 Objective To understand the status quo of sensitivity of mosquitoes to common insecticides in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. Methods The half-life lethal concentration (LC50) of paraquat, secabel, deltamethrin, beta-cypermethrin and permethrin was determined by immersion method in order to understand the sensitivity. Results The LC50 values ​​of parahaemoid, sec-butyl, deltamethrin, alpha-cypermethrin and permethrin were 0.059 36, 2.563 5, 0.000457, 0.0000003, Is 148.40,10.13,0.35,0.12 and 0.06 times higher than the LC50 of the same insecticide in the susceptible strain of Culex pipiens, which is 7.24, 2.68, 0.21, 0.09 and 0.11 times higher than the LC50 of the same insecticide in the Culex pipiens pallens . Conclusion The mosquito populations of mosquitoes in mosquitoes were more resistant to organophosphorus and carbamate than those in mosquitoes of Culex pipiens pallens collected in the same habitat at the same time, but were more sensitive to pyrethroid insects than those of Culex pipiens pallens. Suqian harassment of mosquito control should be taken to environmental management, chemical control, supplemented by comprehensive control measures; non-high-density period, the outbreak of non-mosquito infectious diseases and other major events, emphasis on mosquito larvae control over adult mosquitoes , And the preferred insecticides for pyrethroid insecticides or Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt.) And Bacillus sphaericus (Bs.) Are the best choice for the prevention and control of mosquito larvae. When mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes harassing high-density or mosquito-borne infectious diseases Outbreaks and other major incidents should be to strengthen the chemical control of adult mosquitoes, while scientific and rational use of drugs.
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