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回顾2014年的巡视工作,中央重视空前,任务繁重空前,成效明显空前2015年巡视工作要贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,贯彻中央巡视工作方针,贯穿“一条主线”、抓好“四个重点”开展分类专项巡视,要把握四个“专注”:专注于特点,把握历史文化特点、专项问题规律、同类单位的共性问题;专注于重点,盯住重点人、重点事、重点问题,突出对落实“两个责任”、执行政治纪律和政治规矩、利用经营管理权寻租腐败问题的监督检查;专注于目的,强化整改责任,用好巡视成果,推动深化改革,促进治本;专注于规范,统筹安排工作,提高问题线索突破能力,完善协调保障,依规依纪巡视 Reviewing the inspections in 2014, the Central Government paid unprecedented attention to the unprecedented and arduous tasks, and achieved remarkable results. In 2015, inspections must implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, implement the work guideline of the Central Inspection, run through the “one main line, Focus on ”four focus“ to carry out special inspection of the classification, we must grasp the four ”focus “: focus on features, grasp the historical and cultural characteristics, the law of special issues, common problems of similar units; focus on the focus, focus on key people, Focus on the implementation of ”two responsibilities ", the implementation of political discipline and political rules, the use of management rights of rent-seeking corruption supervision and inspection; focus on the purpose of strengthening the responsibility for rectification and reform, make good use of the inspection results, and promote deepening reform , To promote the root cause; focus on norms, co-ordinate arrangements for work, improve the ability to break through the clues to the issue, improve coordination and protection, according to discipline and discipline inspection
一个普普通通的河南人,凭着颇不凡的见识,走过了从个体运输户到河南叶县少林武术院院长的极不曾通的历程…… An ordinary Henan, with extraordinary knowledge, has trave
近几年来,我们武汉港汉阳港埠公司发挥本身的优势,努力适应市场经济,促进港口不断发展,逐步在运输市场上站稳脚跟。 提高认识,主动走向市场 从1988年开始,汉阳公司连续三年