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为了防止危害动植物的病、虫、杂草及其他有害生物由国外传入或由国内传出,保护我国农、林、牧、渔业生产安全和人民身体健康,维护对外贸易信誉,履行国际间的义务,由国家颁布法令或制定行政措施,对进出口的动植物及其产品进行管理和控制,实施检验,这就是对外动植物检疫,也称口岸动植物检疫.其工作范围,除了检查进出口货物外,还检验出入境旅客携带物品、国际邮包以及可能随带病虫的运载工具.一、动植物检疫与农业技术引进的关系引进先进农业技术,是加快农业现代化进程的重要步骤.在当前比较主要的是引进名、特、稀、优、新的种子、苗木、种禽、种畜等.近年来,我省在这一方面已取得了可喜的进展.据报载 In order to prevent diseases and endangered animals and plants, insects, weeds and other pests from abroad or from the country to protect our country’s agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production safety and people’s health, safeguard the credibility of foreign trade, the implementation of international The state shall enact laws and decrees or make administrative measures to manage and control the import and export of plants and animals and their products and carry out the inspection, which is the quarantine of animals and plants for export, also known as the quarantine of ports and animals and plants. Export of goods, but also check out passengers carrying articles, international parcels and may carry pest and disease carrying vehicles.First, animal and plant quarantine and the introduction of agricultural technology The introduction of advanced agricultural technology, is an important step in accelerating the process of agricultural modernization in the current More important is the introduction of the name, special, thin, excellent, new seeds, seedlings, breeding poultry, breeding stock, etc. In recent years, our province has made gratifying progress in this regard.It is reported
本文以甜瓜病害诊断系统的建立为例,概括性地介绍了专家系统的组建,专家系统与计算机程序的区别,以及专家系统在植物病理学中的应用。 In this paper, the establishment of
这个subject是我一直想写的,资料找的也够多,不知道为什么写起来却是如此地困难。  现在恋人之间流行用沃林和伊娃的声音呼唤对方。只用不同的语调说一个简单的人名却如此打动人心只有迪斯尼能够做到。天呐!要是有人用沃林叫伊娃那样声音叫米粒,我恐怕会投降,管他是谁呢,先顺了再说。但是那两个机器人的声音是人声通过一个叫做Vocoder声音合成器的东西搞出来的,想要那种声音还要到迪斯尼去说话才成。2008
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苯达松是水稻田防治阔叶草常用茎叶处理除草剂。以前使用苯达松一般是将田中水排干后再喷雾,这样做的缺点是: 1.稻苗此时正值返青分蘗期,排干水使稻苗失去水层保护。 2.此时