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闲暇时,我常喜欢一个人坐在校园一角,静静地欣赏乔山这幅立体的风景画,细细品味来自乔山春的绚烂,夏的激情,秋的静美和冬的沉默。如果您只是终日忙于学习和工作,不曾用心领略过你身边流逝着的美丽,那么请跟随我到乔山校园去看看吧! 春天的乔山,在经过一个漫长而寂寞的寒冬之后,万物开始复苏。草儿争先恐后冒出绿芽儿,池边的垂柳也不知是在哪个时候被这二月的春风剪出点点绿意。竹笋也抑制不住心中的欣喜,准备着爆发蓄积了一个个冬天的能量,但是它总好像在固执地等待着什么,是那新春的第一声春雷吗?春天的乔山时常有雾。淡淡的,常让我有一种撩开这层面纱去一睹真容的冲动。在那清晨的雾中,乔山的看点当数竹林。新竹还未长出,然而在这薄薄的雾里,老竹也并不失其葱郁。置身林中,薄雾笼罩下的竹林依然碧绿如洗。那竹干上凝结的雾水,更使其翠绿如新。这时的竹林很静,仿佛一切都屏住了呼吸,一切都在宁静中等待着,期盼着那春日里的每一缕朝阳为羞涩的乔山揭开那神秘的面纱。 Leisure time, I often like to sit alone in the corner of a campus, quietly enjoy this three-dimensional landscape Joe Hill, savor the joy from Joe spring, summer passion, autumn beauty and winter silence. If you are just busy studying and working all day long and have never had the pleasure of comprehending the beautiful passing by you, please follow me to Qiaoshan campus to see! Spring in Qiaoshan, after a long and lonely winter, everything begins recovery. Grass children rushed to emerge green bud children, weeping edge of the pool I do not know at what time by this spring breeze cut a little green. Bamboo shoots also can not suppress the joy of heart, ready to burst out of accumulation of energy for a winter, but it always seems to stubbornly waiting for what is the spring thunder? The spring is always fog Hill. Faint, often let me have a kind of veil aside this veil to see the real content of the impulse. In that early morning fog, Joe Hill aspect when the number of bamboo forest. Hsinchu has not yet grown, but in this thin mist, the old bamboo is not lost its lush. Exposure to the forest, the bamboo forest under the shadow of the mist is still green as wash. That condensation of fog on the dry bamboo, but also make it green as new. At this time the bamboo forest is very quiet, as if everything is holding his breath, everything is waiting in silence, looking forward to that spring every sunrise as shy Joe opened the mysterious veil.
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‘秋白85’是以两个自交不亲和系‘05S1657’和‘05S137’配制而成的秋中晚熟、中桩、直筒大白菜一代杂种。生长期85 d,植株直立,叶色深绿,帮白,成株株高45.0 cm,开展度63.5
本试验研究选择准格尔苜蓿(Medicago sativa Zhungeer),中苜1号(Medicago sativa Zhongmu NO.1),草原2号(Medicago sativa Grassland NO.2),草原3号(Medicago sativa Grassland NO,3),金皇后(Medicago sativa Godden Empress),阿尔冈金(Medicago sa
目的:探讨成年大鼠海马损伤后,齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG)增殖的新生细胞减少的机制及增殖的新生细胞对学习记忆的影响。 方法:用海人酸(kainic acid,KA)建立海马损伤模型;用5-溴